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发布时间:2018-08-01 16:18
[Abstract]:In the revision of the Administrative Litigation Law of the people's Republic of China in 2014, many scholars think that the greatest success lies in expanding the scope of accepting cases and modifying the judgment method of administrative litigation. However, taking Tianjin as an example, the number of cases of expropriation and compensation of state-owned land houses has been increasing in recent years. In addition, the resulting violence around the country also occurred from time to time. Most of the reasons are that the administrative counterpart has no effective remedy and is forced to use violent means against administrative organs. This shows that after the amendment of the new law, there are still some problems to be solved in our administrative litigation system. This paper can be divided into four parts: the first part analyzes the concept, characteristics and differences with related systems of the expropriation and compensation of state-owned land houses. The second part analyzes the problems of this system, that is, through consulting the online cases of China's adjudicative documents, the author finds out the problems in the litigation of the expropriation and compensation system of state-owned land houses, such as the narrow scope of accepting cases, the inconsistency of judgment methods, and so on. In the third part, the author looks up the laws of civil law system and common law system, and draws some useful reference after rational analysis through the comparative research methods between China and foreign countries. The fourth part, according to the above comparison, puts forward the concrete solution measures, such as changing the legislative mode of accepting the case scope, adding the preventive administrative lawsuit and so on, to try to solve the related problems of the housing expropriation and compensation cases on the state-owned land. In addition, since the types of administrative judgments should be adapted to the scope of the cases received in administrative proceedings and the litigant's requests, the author, while proposing to amend the scope of the cases, also suggests that some of the contents of the administrative judgments should be amended accordingly. In order to achieve the type of judgment and the scope of the case matching.


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