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发布时间:2018-08-02 08:23
【摘要】:刑事诉讼中证人出庭作证是当代司法发展的必然要求,于此同时,对证人的保护也被越来越多的国家从法律和制度方面予以明确,在注重证人出庭作证是公民义务的同时,我们也要重视对证人合法权益的保障。通过我国多年以来的司法实践可以看到,刑事诉讼证人屡屡遭受到侵害,这极大程度的打击了证人出庭作证的积极性,证人甚至不敢出庭作证,这种现象已经严重阻碍了我国刑事司法的健康发展。我国的刑事案件证人保护制度还存在着许多不足,本文立足于我国的刑事司法实践现状,借鉴国外先进的保护理念与立法经验,对我国刑事案件中证人保护制度的完善提出了初步构想。 本文从以下三个部分对我国的刑事诉讼中证人保护制度进行探究: 第一部分,介绍刑事诉讼证人保护的基本理论及我国刑事诉讼证人保护的现状。先对证人和证人证言的概念及刑事诉讼证人保护相关问题进行阐述,然后分析我国现阶段刑事诉讼证人保护的现状,现状部分是将立法现状与司法现状分别进行分析。 第二部分,对代表性国家及地区证人保护制度进行了考察。这一部分主要介绍了英国、美国、德国及我国的台湾、香港地区刑事案件中证人保护制度先进的立法经验、完善的配套措施、明确的执行主体、宽广的保护范围等方面,并总结了这些国家和地区的好的经验和启示,,以便更好的指导我国刑事案件中证人保护的工作。 第三部分,分析我国刑事诉讼证人保护制度存在的问题及其完善。首先分析了现阶段我国刑事诉讼证人保护制度中存在的主要问题,指出了在立法规定、证人保护的对象、证人保护的期限、证人保护机关、证人保护的措施等方面的不足,在此基础上提出完善我国刑事诉讼证人保护制度的建议,主要从出台统一的“证人保护法”、拓宽刑事证人保护制度的内容、完善刑事诉讼中证人保护措施等几方面进行论述。
[Abstract]:Witness testifying in court is an inevitable requirement of contemporary judicial development in criminal proceedings. At the same time, more and more countries have made the protection of witnesses clear from the aspects of law and system. At the same time, it is citizens' duty to pay attention to witnesses appearing in court to testify. We should also attach importance to the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of witnesses. Through the judicial practice of our country for many years, we can see that the witnesses in criminal proceedings are repeatedly violated, which greatly hampers the enthusiasm of witnesses to testify in court, and the witnesses do not even dare to testify in court. This phenomenon has seriously hindered the healthy development of our criminal justice. There are still many deficiencies in the witness protection system of criminal cases in our country. This paper bases on the present situation of criminal justice practice in our country, and draws lessons from the advanced protection idea and legislative experience of foreign countries. This paper puts forward a preliminary conception on the perfection of witness protection system in criminal cases in our country. This paper probes into the witness protection system in criminal procedure from the following three parts: the first part introduces the basic theory of witness protection in criminal procedure and the present situation of witness protection in criminal procedure in our country. First of all, the concept of witness and witness testimony and the related problems of witness protection in criminal proceedings are expounded, and then the present situation of witness protection in criminal proceedings in our country is analyzed. The present situation part is to analyze the current legislation and judicial status respectively. In the second part, the witness protection system of representative countries and regions is investigated. This part mainly introduces the advanced legislative experience of witness protection system in criminal cases in the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany and China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, the perfect supporting measures, the clear subject of execution, the broad scope of protection, and so on. And summarizes the good experience and enlightenment of these countries and regions, in order to better guide the work of witness protection in criminal cases in our country. The third part analyzes the problems and perfection of witness protection system in criminal procedure. First of all, it analyzes the main problems existing in the witness protection system of our country at present, and points out the deficiencies in the legislative provisions, the object of witness protection, the duration of witness protection, the organ of witness protection, the measures of witness protection and so on. On this basis, the author puts forward some suggestions to perfect the witness protection system in criminal procedure in China, mainly from the following aspects: issuing unified witness protection law, broadening the content of criminal witness protection system, and perfecting witness protection measures in criminal procedure.


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