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发布时间:2018-08-02 17:10
[Abstract]:On 1 January 2013, the current Code of Criminal procedure came into effect, and it was the first time that criminal reconciliation had been formally established by criminal law, which provided for the proceedings in public prosecution cases in which the parties were reconciled in separate chapters. This indicates that the system of criminal reconciliation has been recognized by the legislation of our country. The criminal reconciliation system is a kind of unique case handling procedure, which has been running for many years in our country's practice. It aims at repairing the damaged social order, resolving the disputes and safeguarding the rights and interests of the victims. It is of great significance for ensuring social order, maintaining national stability, building a socialist country ruled by law and building a harmonious socialist society. At the same time, criminal reconciliation can effectively save judicial resources and improve the efficiency of criminal proceedings. The procuratorial organ is the legal supervision organ of our country. It exercises procuratorial power according to law. After the new Criminal procedure Law comes into effect, it acts as an active practitioner. The Criminal procedure rules of the people's Procuratorate (for trial implementation) have been issued, which specifies in detail how the procuratorial organs shall apply the criminal reconciliation procedure in handling cases, and provides an important legal basis for the procuratorial organs to handle minor criminal cases. The application of criminal reconciliation by procuratorial organs can play a better role in supervision and demonstrate the position of procuratorial organs in safeguarding social fairness and justice. The examination and prosecution of criminal reconciliation is an important part of the criminal reconciliation system. The application of criminal reconciliation at this stage should conform to the scope of cases stipulated in Article 277 of the Criminal procedure Law and follow the principles of equality, voluntary and lawful. There must also be clear facts and sufficient evidence. Although the operation mode of criminal reconciliation in public prosecution cases is mature in practice, but due to the lack of legislation, there are still many problems in judicial practice, due to the lack of specific operational norms. For example, there are many drawbacks in the work mode, role orientation, scope of application, practical effect and so on in the process of examining the criminal reconciliation in the prosecution link. These are the problems that the criminal reconciliation system needs to overcome constantly. As a grass-roots procurator engaged in public prosecution, the author expounds and deeply analyzes the system of criminal reconciliation in the examination of prosecution links, combining with his own practical work experience in handling reconciliation cases. In view of the problems and problems in the process of handling reconciliation cases, this paper tries to put forward feasible solutions, to further improve the supervision mechanism of the criminal reconciliation system, to improve the practical application efficiency of the reconciliation procedures, and to avoid judicial corruption. Give full play to the unique advantages of the criminal reconciliation system.


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