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发布时间:2018-08-07 21:27
[Abstract]:In civil proceedings, the exercise of the judge's discretion is mainly reflected in the determination of the facts of the case, including the exercise of the discretion in the judgment of the evidentiary power. With the development of various aspects of social economy, civil litigation presents the characteristics of various cases, the facts to be proved will sometimes fall into the situation of insufficient evidence, the truth of facts is not clear. In such cases, in order to pursue fairness and justice in individual cases, judges often need to judge the probative power of the evidence submitted by both parties in the context of specific cases, Thus, the facts advocated by one of the parties form the inner conviction to make the final judgment in favour of one party. However, it should be noted that the judge's judgment on the power of proof is not based on arbitrary subjective judgment of personal preference, but limited by standard of proof. With regard to the standard of proof, although some provisions on evidence in civil proceedings in China and the interpretation of the application of the Civil procedure Law of the people's Republic of China contain relevant legal provisions, Unfortunately, these legal provisions on the standard of proof is not perfect. It only puts forward the proof standard of "high probability" and the application of "beyond reasonable doubt" to specific cases. As a result of the abstraction and simplification of the stipulation, the judge has different understanding and vague understanding in judging the power of proof. A situation in which the application of a standard of proof is improvedly raised or reduced. In order to avoid these cases of misuse or abuse of discretion by judges, on the basis of reference to the status quo of extraterritorial legislation, According to the present situation of our country's judicature, the author puts forward his own viewpoint: to establish the classification of proof standard, that is to say, to confirm that the proof standard of "beyond reasonable doubt", "high probability" and "advantage of probability" should be applied in civil action. In order to limit the judge's discretion in the judgment of the power of proof.


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