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发布时间:2018-08-08 11:23
【摘要】:当今社会,越来越多的人将诉讼选作权益的有效救济方式,近年来,案件数量逐年递增,2010年我市各级法院受理案件近40万件1。为了满足社会转型时期的司法需求,各地法院纷纷推出了构建“大调解”格局的系列举措,并将“调解优先、调判结合”作为矛盾的化解路径。而虚假诉讼恰恰利用调解优先的程序性优势及当事人处分的自主性权利,从崭露头角到大行其道,给现行的矛盾化解路径造成了严重的侵袭。为此,理论界和实务界也对虚假诉讼给予了高度关注2,但尚无一套完整的程序体系。本文以2006—2010年我市一中辖区进入审监程序的虚假诉讼案件为样本,在对其进行分析的基础上,本着易于操作的原则,立足于现行法律规定和法院审判权的可涵摄范围,从对虚假诉讼进行识别与规制的角度尝试构建识别机制及应对机制,以增强“调解优先、调判结合”这一矛盾化解路径的风险防范能力,真正发挥其在矛盾化解方面的优势。 本文除引言外,,共分为四个部分: 第一部分,虚假诉讼概述。在该部分,本文就虚假诉讼的虚假诉讼的内涵、特征及分类等一般性问题进行简要分析,为下文的论证作好理论铺垫。 第二部分,问题的凸显即虚假诉讼案件的基本现状。在该部分,分析虚假诉讼的案件走势、常见类型及形成原因。 第三部分,问题的剖析即对虚假诉讼案件的分析。在该部分,分析现行矛盾化解路径的天然优势、虚假诉讼对现行矛盾化解的冲击表现及造成冲击的原因。 第四部分,问题的防治即构建虚假诉讼的识别及应对机制。在该部分,从对虚假诉讼进行事前预防的角度尝试构建“预警—会商—审查”的识别机制,从对虚假诉讼进行事后规制的角度尝试构建“加强联动—上浮成本—严格责任”的应对机制。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, more and more people choose litigation as an effective remedy for their rights and interests. In recent years, the number of cases has increased year by year. In 2010, nearly 400000 cases were accepted by courts at all levels in our city. In order to meet the judicial needs in the period of social transformation, local courts have put forward a series of measures to construct the pattern of "Great Mediation", and take "Mediation first, and the combination of Adjustment and judgment" as the way to resolve the contradiction. But the false litigation has made use of the procedural advantage of mediation priority and the autonomous right of the parties to dispose of it, which has caused serious invasion to the existing ways of resolving contradictions. Therefore, the theoretical and practical circles also pay great attention to false litigation, but there is no complete procedural system. Based on the analysis of the false litigation cases in the jurisdiction of a middle school in our city from 2006 to 2010, this paper, based on the principle of ease of operation, is based on the existing legal provisions and the scope of the court jurisdiction. From the angle of identifying and regulating false litigation, this paper tries to construct the identification mechanism and the coping mechanism, in order to strengthen the risk prevention ability of the way to resolve the contradiction, which is "mediation first, combination of mediation and judgment", and to give full play to its advantages in resolving contradictions. In addition to the introduction, this article is divided into four parts: the first part, an overview of false litigation. In this part, the author makes a brief analysis of the connotation, characteristics and classification of false litigation, which lays the foundation for the following argumentation. The second part, the highlight of the problem is the basic status of false litigation cases. In this part, the trend, common types and causes of false litigation are analyzed. The third part, the analysis of the problem is the analysis of false litigation cases. In this part, the author analyzes the natural advantages of the current conflict resolution path, the impact of false litigation on the current conflict resolution and the causes of the impact. The fourth part, the prevention and cure of the problem namely constructs the false lawsuit the identification and the response mechanism. In this part, we try to construct the identification mechanism of "early-warning, consultation and review" from the perspective of prevention of false litigation in advance. This paper attempts to construct the mechanism of "strengthening linkage-floating cost-strict liability" from the point of view of the ex post regulation of false litigation.


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