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发布时间:2018-08-12 11:44
【摘要】:“临时救济”一直是英美法上的概念,但在中国民事诉讼法学研究中把该概念外延扩大,囊括了大陆法系中的类似概念。例如德国民事诉讼法中的“民事保全”,包含“假扣押”与“假处分”,法国民事诉讼法中的“紧急审理裁定”和“依申请作出裁定的程序”,日本民诉法中的“假扣押与假处分的执行程序”。因此,临时救济制度涵盖了假扣押、假处分、证据保全以及假执行等制度的功能。对其可定义如下:在诉讼前或诉讼中,为了弥补通常救济的滞后性缺陷,以保全将来判决的强制执行,暂时确定纠纷状态,防止证据灭失或以后难以取得,满足当事人紧迫需要为目的而采取临时措施的制度。虽然立法上尚没有这种提法,但是学术界却把它们统称为临时性救济制度,在我国临时性救济制度经过了这些年的变革和完善,形成了包含财产保全、行为保全、先予执行这一系列制度在内的全方面的比较完善的制度。 法律界一直流行着一种法谚“迟到的正义为非正义”在通常的诉讼程序对权利保护的相对滞后性这一缺陷在现代社会暴露的越来越明显,甚至使诉讼这一救济手段成为形式陷入无能、无力的境地的情况下,设置临时救济制度,以解决通常的诉讼程序所不能及时给予原告救济的问题,具有重要意义。它保证了诉讼救济的及时性、有效性,从而也就保证了诉讼公正和效益的实现。它配合通常的诉讼程序,两者相结合,组成了完备、高效的诉讼运行机制,对保护当事人----尤其是权利受到侵害的原告的权益起到了不可低估的作用。 各国都对临时救济制度规定了施用要件。本文通过对临时救济制度进行英美法系和大陆法系的对比以发现区别,,更好的取长补短,取其精华,并对我国临时救济制度的运行现状和存在问题进行考察,以期对民事诉讼临时救济制度的完善提出更加健全和切实的建议。
[Abstract]:"temporary relief" has always been a concept in Anglo-American law, but it has been extended in the study of Chinese civil procedural law to include similar concepts in the civil law system. For example, "civil protection" in the German Code of Civil procedure includes "false seizure" and "false disposition", "urgent hearing decisions" and "procedures for making decisions on application" in the French Civil procedure Code, The execution procedure of false seizure and false punishment in Japanese Civil procedure Law. Therefore, the interim relief system covers the functions of false seizure, false disposition, evidence preservation and false execution. It can be defined as follows: in order to make up for the lag defects of the usual relief, to preserve the enforcement of future judgments, to determine the state of the dispute temporarily, to prevent the loss of evidence or the difficulty of obtaining the evidence, before or during the proceedings, The system of taking interim measures for the purpose of meeting the urgent needs of the parties. Although there is no such reference in legislation, the academic circles refer to them as temporary relief system. After years of reform and perfection, the temporary relief system in our country has formed including property preservation, act preservation, and so on. The first implementation of this series of systems, including all aspects of a more perfect system. The legal profession has been popular with the legal saying "late justice for injustice" the relative lag in the protection of rights in ordinary proceedings has become increasingly apparent in modern society. It is of great significance to set up a temporary relief system to solve the problem that the litigation procedure can not give the plaintiff relief in time even if the remedy means of litigation becomes the form of incompetence and powerlessness. It ensures the timeliness and effectiveness of litigation relief, thus ensuring the realization of litigation justice and benefit. It cooperates with the common litigation procedure, and combines the two together, forming a complete and efficient litigation operation mechanism, which plays an important role in protecting the rights and interests of the parties, especially the plaintiff whose rights have been infringed. All countries set out the conditions for the application of the temporary relief system. This paper compares the temporary relief system between the Anglo-American law system and the continental law system to find out the difference, to better learn from each other, to take the essence of the temporary relief system, and to investigate the current situation and existing problems of the temporary relief system in our country. In order to improve the system of temporary relief in civil proceedings and put forward more sound and practical recommendations.


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