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发布时间:2018-08-13 15:33
[Abstract]:In many countries of civil law system and common law system, in order to protect specific interests and relations, lawyers' right to refuse evidence is defined as evidence rule. At present, the system of lawyer refusing certificate has not been clearly established in our country, at the same time, there is no stipulation on whether the vast number of lawyers enjoy the power of refusing to testify. In the field of practice and theory, the problem of lawyer's power of refusing to testify has been paid more and more attention. The lack of the lawyer's right of refusing to testify in our country leads to the lawyer's right of defense unable to be fully exercised in judicial practice. In particular, in criminal proceedings, lawyers are required by the investigative and prosecution authorities to give evidence on the information involved in secret exchanges between them and the suspects and defendants, such as privacy, criminal facts not mastered by the judicial authorities, and so on. In order to achieve the judicial organs as soon as possible to find out the facts of the case. If a lawyer is forced to testify, there will be many adverse consequences, such as violating the privacy of the client, breaking the relationship of loyalty and trust established between the lawyer and the client, impeding the realization of the basic right of the suspect, the accused and the lawyer to defend. It is not conducive to the protection of human rights and affects the development of lawyers' practice activities. It leads to the blind pursuit of substantive justice and neglect of procedural justice in criminal proceedings, which is not conducive to the realization of pluralistic litigation value. Although our country has not yet established the system of lawyers' refusal to license, but the legislation related to the system of refusal of lawyers' license has existed for a long time. In the case of the obligation of confidentiality of the professional group of lawyers as stipulated in Article 38 of the Law on lawyers, the lawyer under Article 60 of the Code of Criminal procedure shall bear the obligation of testifying as a social person who knows, and Article 46 of the Code of Criminal procedure provides for the protection of lawyers Secret right, the crime of perjury of lawyer in article 306 of the Criminal Law and the crime of covering up in article 310. Based on the imbalance between the rights and obligations of lawyers in our legislation, defense lawyers are in a dilemma. After lawyers choose to assume the duty of confidentiality, they may face unreasonable prosecution of crimes of judicial protection and perjury. The main problems caused by the current regulations are: there are conflicts between laws concerning the confidentiality of lawyers, lawyers are faced with difficulties in the duty to testify and conflicts in professional ethics, and the judicial organs refuse to deal with criminal suspects with regard to lawyers, The defendant's behavior of testifying with secret information investigates the lawyer's responsibility, and the lawyer is faced with the risk of perjury or concealment; the lawyer is forced to testify in a dilemma, even if he testifies, the testimony also loses a certain degree of reliability. To construct the system of lawyers' right of refusing to testify, we should grasp the overall situation, plan as a whole, take the principle of "interests weigh, reasonable use for reference, strictly restrict" as the guiding principle, and set up a relatively reasonable system of lawyers refusing to testify in the system suitable for our country. To reduce the possible negative effects of the establishment of the lawyer's refusal system in China, such as to create certain obstacles for the investigation of the facts of the case, to reduce the efficiency of litigation, to increase the costs of litigation, and to produce the phenomenon of lawyers abusing the right of refusing to testify, and so on. The design of the specific system should be further improved, including the regulation of the subject of the right, the object of protection, the scope of protection, the exceptional situation and the legal responsibility of the lawyer's right to refuse to testify. At the same time, there should be a relatively mature supporting mechanism, such as lawyer immunity system, the lawyer under certain circumstances of speech exemption, through the evidence disclosure system to judge whether the client information held by lawyers into the proceedings; Establish the lawyer autonomy system, improve the lawyer's own moral accomplishment, strengthen the idea of serving the client.


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