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发布时间:2018-08-19 10:58
[Abstract]:More and more attention has been paid to environmental protection in the development of modern society. Administrative organs, as defenders of environmental public interests, have the duty of environmental protection. However, in many cases, the administrative action of the administrative organ will harm the environmental public interest, so it is necessary to give the victim the right to litigate. To establish the subject qualification of plaintiff in environmental administrative public interest litigation is the beginning of litigation. In order to achieve the purpose of suing the illegal administrative act of government and to supervise the administrative act effectively, it is necessary to make clear the subject qualification of plaintiff who brings the lawsuit. This paper discusses the subject qualification of plaintiff in environmental administrative public interest litigation. Firstly, the article introduces the related theories of plaintiff's qualification in environmental administrative public interest litigation, including environmental right theory and environmental public trust theory. Comparing the difference between environmental administrative public interest litigation and environmental civil action, it is concluded that the main difference between them is the subject position. Secondly, in the aspect of legislation, it mainly analyzes the administrative procedure law of our country, and the administrative procedure law of our country is too strict in the qualification of the subject in bringing the environmental administrative public interest litigation. The administrative procedure law insists on the legal right standard for the qualification of the plaintiff. Only when the substantive law interests of the prosecutor are infringed can judicial remedy be brought, which is not related to the protection mechanism of the public interest. Through two specific cases of air pollution, this paper analyzes the defects of the plaintiff's qualification in the judicature. The author finds that the country thinks: "because people do not understand the current system resources of our country, for most cases, can be solved in the current legal system of administrative litigation," Only some of the legal provisions need to be modified and perfected. " The reasons why the environmental administrative public interest plaintiff's qualification is not clearly defined in the newly revised Administrative Litigation Law. Finally, by drawing lessons from the ultra vires litigation of France, the public litigation of Japan, the group action of the United States, and the environmental administrative public interest litigation system of India, It is concluded that our country should adhere to the principles of administrative efficiency and judicial protection in the construction of environmental administrative public interest litigation in our country, and put forward that our country should expand the qualification of plaintiff subject to citizens, organizations and procuratorial organs in the construction of environmental administrative public interest litigation.


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