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发布时间:2018-08-20 10:14
【摘要】:近年来,在西方社会的影响下,隐私权观念在我国逐渐深入人心。作为一项法律权利,民事领域的相关研究已经较为成熟,但是在刑事领域,隐私权研究依然处于初步阶段。事实上,与公民互相之间的隐私权侵犯相比,国家公权力对公民个人隐私权带来的潜在威胁更为突出。在刑事诉讼程序中,特别是在侦查阶段,为了确保打击犯罪的及时性,侦查机关需要收集大量证据,其中势必会涉及到当事人诸多方面的隐私。对于被害人而言,他或她已经因为犯罪遭受到财产、人身以及精神等各方面的侵害,,一旦其隐私信息被不当收集或使用,必定会对其造成二次侵害。就目前的理论研究而言,上述问题并没有为广大学者所重视,针对侦查程序中人权保障的研究依然局限于人身权、财产权等传统领域,而人权保障所指向的对象仍多为犯罪嫌疑人。 在此背景下,本文尝试就侦查程序中被害人隐私权保护这一问题展开研究,全文共有以下四个部分组成: 第一部分是对侦查程序中被害人隐私权保护基础理论的阐述。首先从隐私权的发展历程说开去,探讨隐私从一种意识逐渐演变为一种权利,从一种民法上的权利逐渐上升为宪法上的权利;其次是对本文中被害人隐私权的内涵进行界定,为研究奠定理论基础;最后是对侦查程序中被害人隐私权保护的价值进行评析。 第二部分是对侦查程序中被害人隐私权保护的域外考察,通过对欧美部分国家、亚洲部分国家,包括我国香港和台湾地区的相关经验进行考察,从中吸取可以借鉴的有益经验。 第三部分是我国侦查程序中被害人隐私权保护的现状分析,具体分为两个方面:一方面是对我国现阶段有关侦查程序中被害人隐私权保护的主要法律进行梳理,从中发现立法的不足;另一方面是对侦查程序中被害人隐私权最容易受到侵犯的几个环节进行具体分析,包括询问被害人、人身检查以及侦查信息公开。 第四部分是侦查程序中被害人隐私权保护的路径选择,这也是本文研究的结论所在。要完善侦查程序中被害人的隐私权保护,一是要完善被害人隐私权保护的相关立法;二是确立侦查信息公开制度;三是要增强侦查程序中被害人防御能力;四是要提高侦查人员执法能力。
[Abstract]:In recent years, under the influence of western society, the concept of privacy has gradually become popular in our country. As a legal right, the relevant research in the field of civil law has been mature, but in the criminal field, the study of privacy is still in the preliminary stage. In fact, compared with the infringement of privacy among citizens, the potential threat of national public power to individual privacy is more prominent. In criminal proceedings, especially in the investigation stage, in order to ensure the timeliness of cracking down on crime, the investigative organs need to collect a large number of evidence, which will inevitably involve many aspects of the privacy of the parties. For the victim, he or she has suffered property, personal and spiritual violations because of the crime. Once his or her privacy information is improperly collected or used, he or she will inevitably cause secondary infringement. As far as the current theoretical research is concerned, the above problems have not been taken seriously by the majority of scholars. The research on the protection of human rights in the investigation procedure is still confined to traditional fields such as personal rights, property rights, and so on. But the human rights guarantee target is still mostly the criminal suspect. In this context, this paper attempts to study the protection of the victim's right to privacy in the investigation procedure. The thesis consists of four parts as follows: the first part expounds the basic theory of the protection of the victim's right of privacy in the procedure of investigation. First of all, from the perspective of the development of the right to privacy, to explore the privacy from a sense of gradual evolution into a right, from a civil law rights to constitutional rights; secondly, the meaning of the right to privacy of victims in this article is defined. Finally, it evaluates the value of the protection of the victim's right of privacy in the procedure of investigation. The second part is the extraterritorial investigation of the protection of victim privacy in the investigation procedure, through the investigation of some countries in Europe and America, some countries in Asia, including Hong Kong and Taiwan, we can learn from the useful experience. The third part is the analysis of the current situation of the protection of the victim's right to privacy in the investigation procedure of our country, which is divided into two aspects: on the one hand, it is to sort out the main laws concerning the protection of the victim's right to privacy in the investigation procedure at this stage. On the other hand, the author makes a concrete analysis of the most vulnerable aspects of the victim's right to privacy in the investigation procedure, including questioning the victim, personal examination and the publicity of investigation information. The fourth part is the path choice of victim privacy protection in investigation procedure, which is the conclusion of this paper. In order to perfect the protection of the victim's right of privacy in the investigation procedure, the first is to perfect the relevant legislation of the protection of the victim's right of privacy, the second is to establish the public system of investigation information, the third is to strengthen the defense ability of the victim in the procedure of investigation. Fourth, it is necessary to improve the ability of investigators to enforce the law.


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