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发布时间:2018-08-24 16:56
[Abstract]:Arrest is a legal restriction imposed by the authorities of a country on those criminal suspects and defendants who have not been convicted by legal procedures by means of legal means to deprive them of their personal liberty. It uses the public power of the state to suppress the private rights of individual citizens. Therefore, the arrest system can reflect the degree of respect and protection for the basic human rights of citizens, and also reflect the degree of judicial civilization of the country. With the development of the society, the legislators of all countries have examined and reformed the arrest system. However, the legislators in our country have realized the shortcomings of the arrest system in the legislation and judicial practice of our country, and tried to restrict the public power reasonably. In 2012, the state legislature made great amendments to the Criminal procedure Law, which further improved the arrest system of our country. Based on the analysis of the formation and basic principles of arrest, this paper focuses on the analysis and study of the outstanding problems existing in the arrest system in China, and puts forward some suggestions to perfect the arrest system in China.


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