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发布时间:2018-08-25 16:22
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, we have been advocating economic construction as the center. At present, the economic construction of our country has made rapid development, the misconception of pollution first and then control brings the increasingly serious environmental pollution, the environmental pollution and the economic GDP growth along with the rapid development. Serious haze pollution, serious water pollution, has reached a shocking level, to the people's life brought inconvenience, but also threatened the lives of the people, property, health. The pollution of Songhua River and Tuojiang River, which occurred a few years ago, has seriously threatened the local residents in some areas. At the same time, environmental pollution is also hindering the sound development of the economy. At this time, people have to start to pay attention to environmental protection, the recent two sessions, how to protect the environment, haze weather is the main issue. Because our country has serious defects in the judicial field of environmental protection, and has not established the environmental civil public interest litigation system, there are serious legal blind areas in the protection of environmental public welfare, and deal with the problem of environmental pollution. Most are administrative fines, and environmental persecutors tend to pay less, in return for high returns at the expense of the environment. Social and institutional malpractices connive at the existence of environmental pollution on the one hand, and on the other hand, restrict the actions of people to protect the environment. Therefore, how to protect the ecological environment while developing economy, how to construct a harmonious society between man and nature, how to make full use of legal system to maintain the benign development of ecology and economy, How to establish a set of perfect environmental civil public interest litigation has become an important subject. Based on the current situation of our country, this paper analyzes the basic concept of environmental public interest litigation, and expounds the feasibility and necessity of establishing environmental civil public interest litigation in China from the point of view of environmental right. Then, by analyzing the advanced environmental public interest litigation systems abroad, such as the citizen litigation system in the United States and the group action system in Europe and the judicial practice in some developed countries abroad, Combined with the predicament of the public interest litigation in our country and the defects in the legislation of our country's environmental public interest litigation system, this paper puts forward some suggestions on how to establish and perfect the environmental civil public interest litigation in our country. To determine the scope of environmental public interest litigation and the establishment of environmental rights, the premise of environmental public interest litigation in China, in the litigation subject, jurisdiction of the court, litigation rules, litigation costs put forward some system ideas, Finally, it is suggested that the professional training of judges and the system of prevention of overappeal should be carried out to ensure the good operation of environmental civil public interest litigation.


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