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发布时间:2018-08-26 08:43
[Abstract]:The heat of medical disputes as a media concern has not diminished. Medical institutions or medical workers are concerned about every unusual behavior. But in recent years, medical institutions that were supposed to be life-saving medical institutions and patients seeking treatment have become enemies of tit-for-tat, in order to ease the tension between doctors and patients. Whether scholars in the theoretical level of research or practice departments in the institutional level of exploration are sparing no effort to find the best solution. At present, the three main solutions are conciliation, mediation and litigation. This paper focuses on the use of administrative mediation mechanism to resolve medical disputes, the full text is divided into four parts: the first part mainly from the basic concept of medical disputes and doctor-patient disputes, medical disputes and medical malpractice, Define the main legal relationship of administrative mediation in the health sector, comb the causes of medical disputes, through defining the concept of combing the causes, better find out the appropriate solutions, promote the harmonious relationship between doctors and patients, the healthy development of the medical industry. The second part analyzes the current situation of medical dispute resolution mechanism. Although there are two kinds of settlement mechanism, the non-litigation mechanism is the mainstream way to solve medical disputes at present. This part introduces the advantages and disadvantages of various types of resolution mechanism in detail, which leads to the necessity of the existence of administrative mediation mechanism. The operation of administrative mediation is not strong because there are some problems to be solved. Only by analyzing the problem and finding the solution can we get a more operable and practical solution to the medical dispute in our country. The third part introduces some countries and regions related to the solution of problems, medical disputes is a global problem, many countries have gone through the "medical collapse period," So other countries and regions to develop a better resolution mechanism is of reference to our country, through the analysis of the medical dispute resolution mechanism with different characteristics in other countries, find out the commonalities, and then combine our individual characteristics. This paper expounds the special advantages of the administrative department of health, and makes the administrative mediation mechanism better cooperate with the people's mediation to solve the contradiction between doctors and patients and to resolve the disputes. The fourth part introduces in detail the perfection of the mechanism of administrative mediation in resolving medical disputes. The Regulation on handling Medical malpractice clearly stipulates that both parties may use administrative mediation to resolve disputes, but due to the scope and status of mediation, The problem of the validity of the agreement makes the actual application rate of the administrative mediation not high, so how to perfect the administrative mediation in the medical dispute mechanism and how to make the effective use of the legal provisions in practice becomes the research focus of this paper.


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