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发布时间:2018-08-26 15:40
[Abstract]:Life, old age, illness and death are the natural laws of human beings, and the death of criminals in prison is also inevitable. Although the vast majority of deaths of prisoners in prison are due to the normal death of criminals, they are restricted by the special attributes of penalization and closeness in prisons, and very little is known about the situation of criminals in prisons by the relatives of criminals and various sectors of society. It is easy to arouse suspicion after the death of a criminal in prison. Especially in recent years, with the rapid development of society, the relevant laws and regulations on the death treatment of prisoners in prison have not been adapted to the current situation and requirements, resulting in many blind spots and difficulties in the treatment of death of prisoners in prison. The appeal and visit of relatives of the dead criminal, the riot in prison, the request for huge compensation and even the incident of suing the prison to the court occurred constantly, which seriously affected the image and normal work of the prison. In view of this problem, this paper starts with the analysis of the legal mechanism of the death treatment of prisoners in prison, finds out the places that need further improvement and perfection, and hopes to provide a practical decision reference for properly handling the death of prisoners in prison. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part expounds the main connotation of the legal mechanism of the death of prisoners in prison. Taking into account the actual circumstances of the current treatment of death of prison offenders, limiting the scope of the study to "the death of prisoners held in prison for punishment and rehabilitation, and excluding the death of those who are released on parole from prison and who are being treated outside prison", This paper introduces four aspects, including emergency disposal, investigation, right relief, information disclosure and so on. The second part, analyzes the lack of legal mechanism for the death of prisoners in prison. From the perspective of the prison police, this paper analyzes the current legal mechanism of the death treatment of prisoners in prison, and draws a conclusion that in the absence of a complete legal system, emergency disposal lacks operability, the investigation procedure is missing, and the right relief is single. Lack of information disclosure system is the main reason for the death of criminals. The third part, make clear the basic principle of dealing with the death of criminal in prison properly. The prison shall enforce the punishment of the criminal in accordance with the provisions of the law, but the right of the offender not deprived by the law shall be protected, and the death of the prisoner in the prison must be dealt with in accordance with the principles of administration according to law, justice of procedure and humanitarianism, This is not only determined by the essence of the construction of socialist rule of law, but also an important embodiment of the implementation of the strategy of governing the country according to law. In the fourth part, the author puts forward the legal conception of perfecting the death mechanism of prisoners in prison. To deal with the death of criminals in prison properly, the most basic premise is to establish a mode of dealing with the rule of law. Under the background of ruling the country by law, this part applies the thinking of rule by law and the way of rule by law, and puts forward some perfect countermeasures and suggestions in view of the deficiencies of the handling mechanism pointed out in the second part, in order to benefit the development of prison work in our country.


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