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发布时间:2018-08-29 16:57
[Abstract]:Nowadays, the system of selecting and appointing judges in China is facing many problems under the background of the reform of the judicial system. However, most modern countries under the rule of law emphasize the pursuit of judicial justice by cultivating a high level and high quality team of judges. However, problems such as low entry threshold and unscientific selection mechanism still exist. When talking about the system of judge selection and appointment, our country should adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, take the actual situation of our country as the starting point and take foreign experience as reference, and establish a unique system of judge selection with Chinese characteristics. The post system in judicial reform reflects the selection of judges. The current judicial reform post system in China is to explore a reform road with Chinese socialist characteristics that conforms to the law of judicial reform. Judge post system should be explored from judicial practice, but finally serve judicial practice. At present, the pilot work of post system reform is being carried out in the east, west, west and west, and in the developed and underdeveloped areas, the batch is proceeding in an orderly manner. During this period, it is also exposed that the overall quality of judges is on the low side, and the geographical division leads to the plight of judges' posts. It is difficult to weigh different types of judges and lack of supporting mechanism of court work after post system, which requires us to re-examine the necessity of the dilemma existing in reality. Based on the reality and necessity of the judicial reform in our country, this paper compares the relative system of foreign judge selection, and proposes to design a fair and fair scientific selection method of post judge, and to divide the burden of post judge cases according to different regions. Furthermore, it is a bold idea to put forward the idea of flexible and open post system, and at the same time to clarify the matching of post judge management mechanism, which is also a question that must be answered positively in the practice of judicial reform at present.


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