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发布时间:2018-08-29 18:31
[Abstract]:With the continuous development and gradual expansion of administrative discretion, there are higher requirements for the government to exercise administrative power. The administrative behavior of the government should not only conform to the law, but also be reasonable. Legitimacy embodies the most basic justice, while rationality expresses a higher degree of justice. Rationality problem is an extension of legitimacy problem, a deeper legitimacy problem and a legitimacy problem of substantive significance. The administrative rule of law is the concrete embodiment of the principle of governing the country according to law in the field of administrative law. The core of the administrative rule of law lies in the effective control of the administrative power. Montesquieu once said, "all people who have power are apt to abuse power. It is an everlasting experience. The way to prevent abuse of power is to restrain power by power. " The judicial review of administrative acts by people's courts is of great significance to the maintenance of fairness and justice and the realization of administration according to law. Therefore, for administrative power, judicial review is the most effective way to control administrative power. The current Administrative procedure Law of our country only stipulates that the court may examine the legality of the administrative act, and there is no further regulation on the rationality of the administrative act, that is, the judicial review of whether the exercise of the administrative power is reasonable or not. There is a disconnection between the principle of single judicial review and the principle of legality and rationality, which not only hinders the development of the theory of judicial review. And in judicial practice, the legal but unreasonable administrative acts of administrative organs infringe on the legitimate interests of the administrative counterpart also occur from time to time, administrative counterpart in the face of such a situation because there is no corresponding legal remedies and often in an awkward situation. Therefore, the author makes some analysis and discussion on the judicial review of the rationality of administrative behavior in the article, hoping to be helpful to the relevant theory and judicial practice.


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