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发布时间:2018-08-31 19:33
[Abstract]:The establishment of China's criminal pre-trial meeting system is an important measure in the reform of judicial procedure and an optimized allocation of the way in which the court exercises its jurisdiction. As a conference procedure, it can carry different procedures and play different functions. Because the content of the criminal pre-court meeting procedure is not clearly stipulated in the law of our country, the criminal pre-court meeting procedure and other criminal proceedings are made. The relationship between litigation procedure and other procedure is confused, especially in the function settings. Substantive disputes will be dealt with instead of trial procedure in the specific application of criminal pre-trial meeting procedure. Through the investigation and analysis of the relevant provisions of our country's law and the similar procedures abroad, the content of our country's criminal pretrial meeting procedure is clarified, and on this basis the functions that our country's criminal pretrial meeting procedure should have are clarified. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into three parts: the first part is the theoretical definition of the criminal pre-trial meeting. First, it is to clarify the content of the criminal pre-trial meeting procedure. The analysis of legal provisions and extraterritorial similar procedures makes it clear that the criminal pretrial meeting procedure belongs to the pretrial preparation procedure, and has three contents: pretrial preparation, procedural consultation and hearing for the exclusion of illegal evidence. Secondly, on the basis of clarifying the contents of the criminal pre-court meeting procedure, the functions that the procedure should have are determined. The second part mainly includes the functions of simplifying cases and dividing illegal evidence. The second part is to divide the problems in the construction and operation of the criminal pre-court meeting system. First of all, through the summary and analysis of the Criminal Procedure Law of China and the two high judicial interpretations, the paper summarizes the basic situation and problems of the construction of China's criminal pre-court meeting system. Secondly, through the investigation and study of the application of criminal pre-court meeting procedure in the grass-roots courts, it analyzes the specific situation. Summarizing the problems and reasons in the process of operation, there are three prominent problems in China's criminal pre-court meeting system: the emergence of pre-judgment; the absence of the rights of the defendant; and the lack of due functions. These problems may not only make the functions of the criminal pre-court meeting procedure difficult to play, but also make the functions of the procedure improper to play. The third part is to put forward suggestions for the perfection of the criminal pre-court meeting system in our country. On the function setting, we should not only establish the function of simplifying and diverting cases, but also exclude the function that does not belong to the criminal pre-court meeting procedure, and restrict the improper expansion of the criminal pre-court meeting procedure to the substantive treatment of conviction and sentencing through the reverse regulation in legislation. We should not only protect the defendant's principal position, endow him with the right to apply for the initiation of the pre-trial meeting and the right to choose the procedure, but also make reasonable arrangements for the establishment of the presiding judge, and make clear what results the criminal pre-trial meeting procedure should produce and what effectiveness it has.


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