[Abstract]:False litigation not only damages the national, social and public interests and the legitimate rights and interests of others, but also damages the normal judicial order and seriously damages the judicial authority and judicial credibility. Strengthening the supervisory function of false litigation of procuratorial organs is a powerful weapon to safeguard fairness and justice, to restore the damaged national and social public interests and the legitimate rights and interests of citizens. In order to strengthen the supervision of false litigation in our province, we have carried out a comprehensive investigation on the supervision of false litigation by procuratorial organs in the province in recent years, made a careful summary, studied the problems existing in the work and their causes. And from the point of view of constructing the mechanism of finding false lawsuit clues, the mechanism of verification of evidence, the mechanism of overall cooperation, the mechanism of case correction, the mechanism of accountability, and so on, this paper puts forward how to further strengthen the supervision function of false litigation of procuratorial organs. In order to promote the work of the in-depth development and improve the relevant work mechanism.
【作者单位】: 河北省人民检察院;
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