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发布时间:2018-09-07 20:16
【摘要】:刑事和解,指的是在刑事诉讼中,由司法机关或者社会参与者充当调停人,犯罪人与被害人及双方亲属、朋友、同事等共同参加的,通过直接交流、会商等解决纠纷、冲突的诉讼活动。我国在多年来理论和实践的探索基础上,2012年3月14日,中华人民共和国第十一届全国代表大会第五次会议通过了《全国人民代表大会关于修改中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法的决定》,新的《刑事诉讼法》在第五编特别程序中第277至279条,对刑事和解进行了相关规定。2012年11月5日,最高人民法院审判委员会第1559次会议通过了《最高人民法院关于适用中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法的解释》对刑事和解的具体适用条件和程序进行了较为详细的解释说明。至此,刑事和解制度在我国有了明确的法律依据,刑事和解制度得以正式的初步建立。本文试图通过分析解读刑事和解制度在我国的发展脉络,,尤其是最新法律规定的基础上,论述当前刑事和解制度在立法和司法实践等存在的问题和不完善之处,有针对性的提出完善对策、建议。全文总共约20000字,共分为三个大的部分: 第一部分主要论述我国刑事和解制度的发展历史及相关特点。从基本概念、特征和历史脉络等方面对我国刑事和解制度进行分析,阐述该制度的内涵及相关优越性。阐述当前我国刑事和解制度在法律条文中的体现较为零散、相关规定过于粗线条不够细致,适用范围主要限于“轻罪”,公权力机关在和解协议达成的过程中发挥着巨大作用等基本情况和特点。同时,介绍建立和完善刑事和解制度当前对我国刑事司法的重大现实意义,以及在修复受损的社会关系,构建和谐社会等方面的积极意义。 第二部分主要论述当前我国刑事和解制度中存在的问题和不足,包括立法问题和司法实践问题等,从法律规定、司法解释、实践操作等方面找出该制度在我国运行中面临的重大问题和挑战;如适用案件范围过窄、赔偿金缺乏统一标准、贫富差距导致刑事和解无法实现人人平等、司法机关对大量存疑案件适用刑事和解等。 第三部分针对刑事和解制度的问题和不足提出进一步完善的对策和建议,从立法和司法两个大的方面提出具有较强操作性的意见建议,包括逐步放宽刑事和解案件适用范围、统一划定刑事和解赔偿金标准、建立国家补偿制度等。 任何制度都具有两面性,刑事和解制度毋庸置疑是一种符合现代法治精神的先进制度,但绝不能认为构建了刑事和解制度就可以“万事大吉”,犯罪率的降低、犯罪分子回归社会、被害人精神及物质的补偿等问题不可能因该制度的施行而全面彻底解决;因此,在实践中要扬长避短,充分发挥其积极的一面,为建设中国特色司法体系作出应有贡献。
[Abstract]:Criminal reconciliation means that in criminal proceedings, the judicial organs or social participants act as mediators, the criminal participates in the joint participation of the victims and their relatives, friends, colleagues, and so on, and resolves disputes through direct exchange, consultation, etc. Conflicting litigation On the basis of years of theoretical and practical exploration, on March 14, 2012, The Fifth session of the Eleventh National Congress of the people's Republic of China adopted the decision of the National people's Congress on the revision of the Criminal procedure Law of the people's Republic of China. Articles 277 to 279 in the preamble, The relevant provisions on criminal reconciliation. On 5 November 2012, At its 1559 session, the Supreme people's Court Judicial Committee adopted the interpretation of the Supreme people's Court on the Application of the Criminal procedure Law of the people's Republic of China. So far, the criminal reconciliation system in China has a clear legal basis, criminal reconciliation system can be formally established. This paper attempts to analyze the development of the criminal reconciliation system in China, especially on the basis of the latest legal provisions, and discuss the problems and imperfections of the current criminal reconciliation system in legislation and judicial practice. The pertinence puts forward the consummation countermeasure, the suggestion. The full text is about 20000 words, which is divided into three parts: the first part mainly discusses the development history and related characteristics of China's criminal reconciliation system. This paper analyzes the criminal reconciliation system in China from the aspects of basic concept, characteristics and historical context, and expounds the connotation and relative superiority of the system. This paper expounds that the current criminal reconciliation system in our country is more scattered in the legal provisions, the relevant provisions are too rough and detailed, and the scope of application is mainly limited to "minor crimes". The public authority plays an important role in the process of the settlement agreement. At the same time, it introduces the great practical significance of establishing and perfecting the criminal reconciliation system for our country's criminal justice at present, as well as its positive significance in repairing the damaged social relations and building a harmonious society. The second part mainly discusses the existing problems and deficiencies in the current criminal reconciliation system in China, including legislative issues and judicial practice issues, from the legal provisions, judicial interpretation, In practice and operation, we find out the major problems and challenges that the system is facing in the operation of our country, such as the narrow scope of cases, the lack of uniform standard of compensation, the gap between rich and poor, and the fact that criminal reconciliation cannot achieve equality for all. Judicial organs apply criminal reconciliation to a large number of suspected cases. The third part, aiming at the problems and deficiencies of the criminal reconciliation system, puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to further improve the criminal reconciliation system, and puts forward some suggestions with strong operability from the legislative and judicial aspects, including the gradual relaxation of the scope of application of criminal reconciliation cases. Unify delimits the criminal reconciliation compensation standard, establishes the national compensation system and so on. There is no doubt that the criminal reconciliation system is an advanced system that conforms to the spirit of the modern rule of law, but it must not be considered that if the criminal reconciliation system is constructed, everything can be "all right" and the crime rate can be reduced. When criminals return to society, the problems of the victims' spiritual and material compensation cannot be solved completely and thoroughly because of the implementation of the system; therefore, in practice, we should take advantage of our strengths and avoid our weaknesses, and give full play to its positive side. We should contribute to the construction of the judicial system with Chinese characteristics.


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