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发布时间:2018-09-07 21:27
[Abstract]:As a police officer at the grass-roots level of the railway public security organ, the author has for many years served as a train police officer on the passenger train. Deeply aware of the negative impact on practical work brought about by many drawbacks in the current jurisdiction and filing system of criminal cases of passenger trains, For many years, it has been paying close attention to the reform of criminal case filing system in railway passenger train, so it has always been accumulated and investigated in the practice of law enforcement, and at the same time, the rational thinking is often carried out in academic theory. Deeply aware that the causes of the problems existing in the jurisdiction of the train criminal case and the filing procedure are not single because of the lack of legislation or the superficial factors such as crude law enforcement personnel and abuse of power. The author believes that the confusion of jurisdiction in the overall process of the current train criminal case litigation, the casually filing of the case and the difficulty of handing over the case, The deep factor of the lack of supervision lies in the fact that the connection of investigation jurisdiction and trial jurisdiction on the transterritorial moving carrier is bound to be different from the traditional jurisdiction mode of territorial jurisdiction. Under such special circumstances, the original territorial correspondence between investigation jurisdiction and trial jurisdiction is broken, which results in the dislocation of the corresponding relationship between investigation jurisdiction and trial jurisdiction. At the same time, at present, the railway public security organs adopt the mode of "separation of criminal investigation" in the process of filing a criminal case on trains (the unit of filing the case and the later stage of investigation, Litigation units belong to two public security organs, which are also one of the main causes of these problems. In view of the confusion and problems existing in the judicial practice of the railway public security organ in the judicial practice of the jurisdiction and filing of the train criminal case, in order to analyze and judge the jurisdiction and filing model of the current train criminal case more deeply and pertinently, From the angle of view of railway public security organs, the author analyzes and studies the factors that affect the filing of criminal cases of trains, taking the current system and practice status of criminal cases of trains as the starting point. On the basis of proposing a solution to the problems related to the jurisdiction and filing of criminal cases under the current system mode, this paper boldly envisages the reconstruction of the jurisdiction and filing mode of train criminal cases by localizing jurisdiction, and proves it.


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