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发布时间:2018-09-08 06:35
【摘要】:刑事强制措施是刑事诉讼活动中重要的刑事司法制度之一,它既要保障有效地追诉犯罪,又要达到保障人权的目的,尤其对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人来说更是如此。随着人权保障事业的不断发展,,我国刑事强制措施不仅仅要体现惩罚犯罪这一隐性目的,更要重视对人权的保障。因此,进一步强化犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的权利保障,已经成为刑事强制措施实施中最为重要的目标。修改后的刑事强制措施制度在人权保障方面虽然取得了些许进步,但是仍然存在一些不足,对其进行改革和完善,已经成为不可避免的趋势。 本文通过对我国的刑事强制措施和人权保障相关概念进行介绍,明确刑事强制措施的定义、性质、功能、目的和人权保障的相关基本概念,并通过对刑事强制措施实施中的人权保障必要性进行相关的分析,进而对我国刑事强制措施实施中的人权保护进行分析,具体包括其相关规定以及出现的问题,并从立法、制度、观念三个方面探讨人权保障缺失的原因,并针对我国刑事强制措施人权保障完善的需要,从立法价值理念和具体制度两个方面进行完善,提出完善拘传、取保候审和监视居住这三种非羁押性强制措施;完善拘留、逮捕两种羁押性强制措施;建立司法救济机制和法律监督机制等建议。
[Abstract]:Criminal coercive measures are one of the most important criminal justice systems in criminal proceedings, which not only guarantee the effective prosecution of crimes, but also achieve the purpose of protecting human rights, especially for criminal suspects and defendants. With the continuous development of human rights protection, our criminal coercive measures should not only reflect the hidden purpose of punishing crime, but also attach importance to the protection of human rights. Therefore, further strengthening the rights of criminal suspects and defendants has become the most important target in the implementation of criminal coercive measures. Although the revised system of criminal coercive measures has made some progress in the protection of human rights, there are still some shortcomings. It has become an inevitable trend to reform and perfect the system. By introducing the relevant concepts of criminal coercive measures and human rights protection in China, this paper clarifies the definition, nature, function, purpose and basic concepts of human rights protection of criminal coercive measures. And through the relevant analysis of the necessity of human rights protection in the implementation of criminal coercive measures, and then the analysis of human rights protection in the implementation of criminal coercive measures, including its relevant provisions and problems, and from the legislation, This paper probes into the reasons for the lack of human rights protection from three aspects of system and concept, and aiming at the need of perfecting the human rights protection of criminal coercive measures in our country, from the two aspects of legislative value concept and concrete system, puts forward the improvement of detention. Such three kinds of non-custodial coercive measures as obtaining bail pending trial and monitoring residence; perfecting detention and arresting two kinds of custodial coercive measures; establishing judicial relief mechanism and legal supervision mechanism and so on.


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