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发布时间:2018-09-08 08:23
[Abstract]:The amendment to the Criminal procedure Law has greatly modified the summary procedure, including expanding the scope of application of the summary procedure, stipulating that the procuratorial organ of the summary procedure case must send a member to attend the court to support the public prosecution. This is both an opportunity and a challenge to the prosecution department of the procuratorial organ. Since the promulgation of the amendment to the Criminal procedure Law, The Supreme people's Procuratorate issued the notice on strengthening the work of Public Prosecution cases to be tried under Summary procedure, revised the Criminal procedure rules of the people's Procuratorate (for trial implementation), and instructed the procuratorial organs at lower levels to find out in practice. A variety of summary public prosecution modes. Three levels of distinction, the public prosecution department all applicable, the case responsibility system summary procedure public prosecution mode, That is to say, the summary procedure public prosecution mode of three levels of full staff responsibility system is a kind of summary procedure public prosecution mode which can be tried at the present stage in accordance with the theoretical requirements and the practical needs.
【作者单位】: 中国青年政治学院;


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