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发布时间:2018-09-09 11:15
[Abstract]:The criminal case of the accused person's death refers to the criminal case of the death of the suspect and the accused. This article begins with the analysis of the complexity of the criminal case of the accused's death, and classifies the criminal case of the accused's death. Furthermore, it is recognized that there are four major legal risks in the criminal case of the accused person's death: scapegoat risk, judicial framing risk, the risk of the loss of state-owned assets and the annexation of personal legal property, the abuse of special procedures and the risk of idle. By analyzing the complexity of the death penalty case of the accused person, the author reflects the imperfect supervision of the criminal procedure of the accused person death case in our country at present. While considering the present situation of the legal supervision in our country, the author refers to the experience of handling the similar cases in foreign countries. The supervision procedure of the criminal case of the accused's death has been perfected from the following aspects: first, the establishment of the system of filing and examination as the general principle of the supervision of the criminal case of the accused's death; the second, the investigation system, which meets the requirements through the examination, Establishing a special investigation team to investigate the criminal cases of the accused person's death; third, the hearing system, through the initiation of the hearing system, to supervise the investigation results and the special types of criminal cases of the accused person's death; Fourth, the investigation procedure and the cognizance rule, should hold the careful attitude and the innocent presumption in this process, suspects the crime never to have the spirit, carries on the investigation and the confirmation to the accused person's death criminal case.


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