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发布时间:2018-09-10 12:41
[Abstract]:The right of censure is a procedural right that a party challenges and asks for correction against the procedural defects of the other party or the court. The civil procedure law of our country has not clearly stipulated how to deal with the defective act of procedure, so giving the party the right to question is beneficial to cure the defect of procedure and to perfect the existing dissent system of litigation act. It is beneficial to safeguard the procedural justice and improve the benefit of litigation. The transformation of litigation mode and the establishment of the concept of procedural justice are the theoretical basis of constructing the right of censure in our country, while the current system of procedural dissent and the mechanism of judge's punishment are the institutional basis of constructing the right of civil litigation. The following aspects should be defined in the process of constructing the system of civil litigation accountability in China: (1) the subject of the right of accountability is a party in a broad sense. And the joint litigants may exercise the right of censure among themselves. (2) the object of the right of censure is the defective act of procedure of the parties or the court, and has nothing to do with the content of the action. (3) the exercise of the right of censure shall follow the principles of timeliness and legality, The parties shall exercise their right to question the court orally or in writing during the verbal debate or before the conclusion of the debate. (4) in the case of an action by the party or the court that violates the peremptory norm, The law does not permit the waiver of the right to censure. (5) if a party disagrees with a ruling made by a court on a matter of censure, he may apply for reconsideration. Moreover, the court of second instance should support the appeal on the grounds that the court of first instance did not pay attention to its questioning or failure to correct the defective behavior. The main body of this paper is to discuss the content of four parts, as follows: the first part, the connotation of the right to question and the principles of the system are introduced. On the one hand, starting with the connotation and characteristics of the right of censure, the main contents of the system of the right of extraneous censure are briefly described. On the other hand, it introduces the origin and function of the right of questioning from the point of view of the effectiveness of litigation and the value of procedural stability. The second part introduces the necessity of constructing the system of responsibility and questioning in our country. From the point of view of perfecting the existing dissent system of litigation act and curing the defective behavior of procedure respectively. The third part introduces the theoretical basis and institutional basis of constructing the system of responsibility right in our country. The transformation of litigation mode and the establishment of the concept of procedural justice are the theoretical basis of constructing the right of censure in our country, while the existing system of procedural dissent and the mechanism of judge's punishment are the institutional basis of constructing the right of civil litigation. The fourth part, elaborated our country constructs the responsibility right system concrete idea. This paper expounds the elements, rules, procedures and results of the exercise of the right of censure.


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