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发布时间:2018-09-12 14:10
[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to reclassify the medical dispute litigation and to re-explore the distribution of the burden of proof according to the facts of different types of cases. Except for the introduction, the text consists of four chapters, with a total of more than 60,000 words. Chapter one: summary of medical dispute litigation. This chapter defines the concept of medical dispute litigation, and deeply analyzes the characteristics of medical dispute litigation. Medical dispute litigation in our country is divided into medical malpractice dispute and medical fault dispute, there are many problems. It seems more appropriate to construct the type of medical dispute litigation from the angle of contract and tort. Medical service contract dispute litigation includes general medical service contract dispute, special medical service contract dispute and clinical medical trial dispute; and medical tort dispute, Medical ethics dispute and medical product liability dispute belong to the category of medical damage liability dispute. Chapter two: essential facts in medical dispute litigation. This chapter introduces the concept, characteristics and litigation function of essential facts, and analyzes the important facts of different types of medical disputes. The fact that the right of claim occurs in the dispute litigation of medical service contract requires the parties to express their intention truthfully and the registered act can be regarded as the sign of the conclusion of the medical service contract. The facts of the defense of the medical side can prevent the occurrence of the right of claim of the patient. The fact that the right of claim occurred in the lawsuit of medical damage liability dispute includes fault, damage and causality. The fault of the medical side is that the medical service provider's behavior violates the duty of care. The damage of patients includes the damage of actual rights and interests and the loss of expected interests. Causality includes the causality of the establishment of liability and the causality of the scope of liability, which is usually regarded as the criterion of determining the establishment of causality. Chapter III assignment of burden of proof of essential facts in medical dispute litigation. According to the principle of liability attribution and the classification of legal elements in substantive law, the patient should bear the burden of proof to the fault of the doctor and the damage suffered in the lawsuit of medical damage. In order to achieve the equality and balance between the two sides of the attack, the burden of proof can be reduced by changing or reducing the burden of proof. According to different cases, the judge can distribute the burden of proof of both parties in the medical dispute litigation, and use the free evidence to consider the case synthetically for the special circumstances such as proof hindrance. The fourth chapter consummates the method of burden of proof in medical dispute litigation. To realize the reasonable distribution of burden of proof in medical dispute litigation, it is necessary to consider many factors from the angle of civil action and medicine to balance the rights and interests of both parties. The specific practice is that the classification of legal elements should be taken as the basic principle. The special constitutive elements in medical contract disputes belong to the norms of the occurrence of rights, which are proved by evidence provided by the patients, while the general constitutive elements belong to the norms of obstruction of rights. The doctor bears the burden of proof that the fact does not exist. Due to the principle of no-fault in contract dispute, the patient does not need to prove the fault of the medical party when the lawsuit of medical service contract dispute is taken as the reason for requiring the medical party to bear the responsibility. In the aspect of proof of causality, the patient should bear the risk of losing the lawsuit when the facts are not clear, but in order to fully protect the interests of the patient, the judicial practice should prove that the burden of proof should be changed when there is a major fault in diagnosis and treatment. Giving medical documents and other methods to assist patients in a weak position, to promote the establishment of the facts of infringement is easy to achieve psychological evidence of inevitability.


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