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发布时间:2018-09-14 08:31
[Abstract]:At present, with the increasing attention to the protection of human rights in our country, the laws of our country are constantly being perfected and perfected. Therefore, the procedural sanction system of criminal procedure, as a judicial system to protect human rights, has become an indispensable aspect in modern society. Establishing procedural sanction system and realizing social justice through procedural sanction has become a universal practice in the world. Up to now, there are only two kinds of procedural sanction system in our criminal procedure law: illegal evidence is excluded and annulled, and the system of retrial is sent back. However, as far as the development of procedural sanctions system is concerned, due to the late start time, people's weak legal consciousness, lack of relevant professionals, imperfect system and so on, The only two procedural sanctions systems in our country have great deficiencies in legislation and judicial practice. There are still many problems in the development of this system, and many aspects need to be perfected. The superiority of this system has not been fully reflected, and has also restricted the development of the socialist society ruled by law in a certain sense. In this paper, the value of procedural sanctions is first expounded, and the unique advantages of procedural sanctions are revealed. Then, the concept of procedural sanctions is introduced, including the object of sanctions, the characteristics of sanctions and the way of sanctions. This paper analyzes the present situation of the procedural sanction system in our country, in addition, it investigates the procedural sanction system of foreign criminal procedure, which is helpful for our country to draw lessons from foreign experience. Finally, it puts forward some concrete measures to perfect the procedural sanction system. It is an important aspect of building a society ruled by law to study and perfect the procedural sanction system of our country. It is better to safeguard the rights and interests, but also to promote the socialist judicial process in China, to maintain social harmony and stability.


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