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发布时间:2018-09-15 19:00
[Abstract]:The mandatory provisions of arbitration law delimit the space of party autonomy and arbitration discretion in arbitration, which is an indispensable part of arbitration law in various countries. However, in arbitration, the autonomy of the parties should be respected as far as possible; only on those issues that cannot be ceded, and which concern the public order and the general interests of the society, should be made mandatory provisions which cannot be changed by agreement by the parties. The author is concerned about the New York Convention, the Model Law, the British Arbitration Law, and the major countries and regions (including France, Germany, etc.), which have a wide influence on the world. The compulsory provisions in the arbitration laws of mainland China and Hong Kong are compared, and the development trend of arbitration and the general attitude towards relevant issues in the world are discussed. Mandatory provisions relating to arbitration agreements relate mainly to the following: with regard to the content of the arbitration agreement, arbitration laws of all countries require that the arbitration agreement must state the parties' agreement to the arbitration. The Arbitration Law of our country also takes the arbitration agreement as a mandatory stipulation that the arbitration agreement must have a "selected arbitration commission". In the aspect of arbitration matters, the arbitration laws of various countries have gradually recognized the arbitrability of civil antitrust disputes, but the Arbitration Law of our country has not been embodied. In the aspect of the form of arbitration agreement, the arbitration law of various countries has actually broken through the harsh requirement on the written form of arbitration agreement established on the basis of "New York Convention", and replaced it with a loose form requirement. With regard to the composition of the arbitral tribunal, in order to protect the equal status of the parties in the arbitral proceedings and to be treated fairly by the arbitral tribunal, the arbitrators must be independent and / or impartial in their arbitration laws, And the right of the parties to challenge the arbitrator is mandatory. The compulsory provisions of arbitration law in various countries are relatively few. Its purpose is to ensure the parties to get equal treatment in the fair arbitration procedure while giving full play to the advantages of arbitration flexibility, and to ensure the realization of procedural fairness. Therefore, the mandatory provisions involved in this issue are mainly due process standards requiring arbitration proceedings to meet minimum standards and equal treatment of the parties. The mandatory provisions on interim measures mainly involve the decision of interim measures in arbitration proceedings. The general legislative attitude of arbitration law in various countries is not to make mandatory provisions on this issue and to issue the power of issuing interim measures underground to the arbitral tribunal in whole or in part on the premise of respecting the autonomy of the parties. The compulsory regulation of arbitration award mainly involves the making, content and form requirement of the award. Arbitration laws require that the arbitral award be signed by a majority or all members of the arbitral tribunal, with a date of signature. Some countries require the award to state the reasons for the award. With the exception of the United Kingdom, all countries require that the arbitral award be in writing.


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