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发布时间:2018-09-15 20:16
[Abstract]:The inheritance of life, the dream of the family, the future of the nation, the hope of the nation, the sustenance of mankind, and all things are related to the spiritual and irreverent youth. The important value of juveniles can not be overemphasized. Juvenile justice, which deals exclusively with juveniles, has adhered to juvenile health since its birth in the United States in 1899. In the late Qing Dynasty, juvenile justice was introduced into China and began to sprout and grow in the soil of traditional culture based on the amnesty system for juvenile delinquency. The juvenile justice in Taiwan inherited the history of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, until the establishment of the Kaohsiung Juvenile Court in 1999, it took nearly a hundred years to mature; in the mainland, juvenile justice entered a new historical starting point after 1949, since the establishment of the first juvenile court in Shanghai Changning District Court in 1984, after 30 years of development, is now encountering. Bottleneck, theoretical system, legal system, organizational system and auxiliary system are all in urgent need of new breakthroughs. According to the basic logic of the object-system-culture, China's juvenile justice needs to move forward from the current system level to the cultural level. Through exploring the history of juvenile justice, promoting juvenile justice culture and creating a real understanding. By exploring the traditional culture of juvenile justice in China and the birth history of juvenile justice in the United States of origin, this paper observes the process of its introduction and introduction in late Qing Dynasty, and combs out the coherence between traditional Chinese legal culture and juvenile justice culture. On this basis, in order to cultivate China's juvenile justice culture and realize the transformation of traditional legal culture, the author puts forward his own thinking. The full text is divided into six parts. In this part, the author puts forward the conclusion that juvenile justice in China urgently needs to leapfrog from system to culture, which is the basis of the whole thesis.The first chapter mainly explores the historical and cultural tradition of juvenile justice in China.According to the law, judicial practice and the logic of cultural background, the system of amnesty for juvenile delinquency in ancient China is advanced. The second chapter mainly explores the cultural origin of juvenile justice in the United States and briefly reviews the juvenile justice in the United States. On the basis of the historical process of its birth, this paper summarizes the basic characteristics of juvenile justice, its social and cultural background, and its legal and cultural background. The process of introducing and introducing juvenile justice is gradually developed from the aspects of juvenile concept, juvenile justice system and theory, and the practice of law-revising reform in the late Qing Dynasty. It reflects the psychological journey of juvenile justice in the late Qing Dynasty from novelty to self-introspection, and then to practice. On the basis of the basic historical facts in the previous three chapters, the fourth chapter summarizes and combs the conflict and coherence between the traditional Chinese legal culture and juvenile justice culture in order to find the basis and direction for the Sinicization of juvenile justice and its internal adjustment. In order to cultivate Chinese juvenile justice culture, it is necessary to reconsider and adjust the basic relations between the state and the people, order and freedom, and between adults and juveniles, so as to construct a juvenile justice culture with the people-oriented concept, the healthy growth of juveniles as the goal and the state responsibility as the guarantee.


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