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发布时间:2018-09-17 07:28
[Abstract]:From the point of view of criminal law, criminal responsibility ability is the premise of criminal responsibility. The criminal responsibility ability and degree of mental patients affect their criminal responsibility. If a psychiatric patient is confirmed by a fixed-procedure appraisal, he shall not bear criminal responsibility, but his family members or guardians shall be ordered to take strict care of him and give medical treatment; when necessary, the government shall compel medical treatment. "Compulsory treatment of psychiatric patients is not only humanistic care for the psychiatric patient who has committed harmful social acts, but also a strong non-penalty for him or her. The procedure of forensic psychiatric expertise, as the pre-procedure of compulsory medical start-up for psychiatric patients, is closely related to the procedure of compulsory medical start-up for psychiatric patients. On the one hand, the procedure of forensic psychiatric expertise is to start compulsory medical procedures for psychiatric patients. A pre-procedure that must be passed before is of vital importance in determining whether the perpetrator has genuine mental disorder and whether he really does not have the capacity of criminal responsibility. The initiation of compulsory medical procedures for psychiatric patients starts with the initiation of forensic psychiatric expertise procedures. On the other hand, it is strong for psychiatric patients. The procedure of medical system and the procedure of forensic psychiatric expertise are two independent procedures, each with its own set of operating mechanism, and the procedure of forensic psychiatric expertise is subordinate to and dependent on the compulsory medical procedure for psychiatric patients. It is an unprecedented controversy concerning suspected psychiatric patients committing crimes, especially the Qiu Xinghua case. At the same time, because compulsory medical treatment for psychiatric patients who endanger the society is a norm after the amendment of the Criminal Law, the experience in judicial practice is not sufficient, especially the so-called petitioners who have troubled the practical circles in recent years. Therefore, it is necessary to study the procedure of forensic psychiatric expertise. In this paper, we will make a study of the procedure of forensic psychiatric expertise in order to better study the criminal responsibility of psychiatric patients and the initiation of compulsory medical treatment for psychiatric patients. This article is divided into four chapters besides the introduction and conclusion. In the introduction part, this paper introduces the proposition of this topic, the present research situation, the purpose and significance of this topic, and the research train of thought. The first chapter discusses the concept, characteristics and significance of forensic psychiatric expertise. The second chapter discusses the start-up system of forensic psychiatric expertise procedure, introduces in detail the relevant provisions on the start-up of forensic psychiatric expertise system in China, analyzes in depth the shortcomings of the current start-up system of forensic psychiatric expertise in China, and puts forward suggestions for improvement. Chapter three discusses the appraisal institutions and appraisers in the procedure of forensic psychiatric expertise. The appraiser system of forensic psychiatric expertise is evaluated and analyzed, and the idea of perfecting the appraiser system of forensic psychiatric expertise is put forward. Chapter four describes the content of forensic psychiatric expertise and the formation of appraisal opinions, and expounds the meaning of fore It also discusses the formation of forensic psychiatric expertise and the value difference of forensic psychiatric expertise in the two different courses of treatment in the ordinary criminal procedure and compulsory psychiatric medical procedure.


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