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发布时间:2018-09-18 20:47
[Abstract]:Plea bargaining system originates from plea bargaining, which aims to improve the efficiency of litigation and solve the contradiction of "more cases than fewer people". The construction of plea bargaining system is necessary to make up for the defects of the current criminal leniency system in China, to improve the efficiency of litigation, to achieve the purpose of special preventive punishment, to perfect the lenient system of guilty plea and punishment, and to promote the reform of "trial centrism". The traditional negotiation culture, litigant litigation mode and judicial practice provide the possibility for the construction of this system. To construct the plea bargaining system of our country should follow the principles of legality, voluntary, fairness and efficiency, and court review. This system excludes the application of special charges and felonies, and is limited to sentencing negotiation. It must be clear in the facts of the case and the evidence is true. Adequate standards of proof, in which both the prosecution and the defence, the victims and the judges have the right to participate in the proceedings, but the victims and the judges do not have the right to initiate the proceedings, and the system applies to the period leading up to the court hearing after the review of the prosecution and the prosecution by the Prosecutor, The court examined the contents of the consultation through a public hearing. The defendant has the limited right of appeal, the victim has the right to object to the negotiation content, and the procuratorial organ has the right to withdraw the negotiation. The establishment of the right to silence, the discovery of evidence system and the perfection of the legal aid system are the guarantee of voluntary negotiation, wisdom and authenticity of the prosecution, and are the premise of the existence and development of the plea bargaining system.


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