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发布时间:2018-10-08 06:49
[Abstract]:Since the beginning of administrative cases in the basic courts in 1987, the conciliatory withdrawal of complaints has been accompanied by the emergence. As the parties involved in this process, what kind of evaluation and opinion of the dispute settlement is the most effective person to measure the merits and demerits of this way. In order to accurately understand the true feelings and opinions of the parties concerned, the research group took the J District Court in Southwest China as the object of investigation. This paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the withdrawal cases of administrative litigation in the past 25 years by means of questionnaire investigation and return visit, and investigates the causes, views and satisfaction of the participants' participation in the settlement and withdrawal of litigation by the method of empirical analysis. The basic position of the litigant participant to the administrative trial is obtained. From the perspective of system perfection, this paper examines what kind of dispute resolution system the parties need, and puts forward the reform proposals of "bottom-up".
【作者单位】: 西南政法大学;中共重庆市委党校;


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