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发布时间:2018-10-08 18:06
[Abstract]:The jurisdiction of trial in criminal proceedings refers to the jurisdiction of the people's court for the first instance of the criminal case, not only the division of the jurisdiction between the people's courts of different levels, but also the division between the people's courts at the same level and between the special courts and ordinary courts. Therefore, the problem to be solved by the trial jurisdiction is that, when a criminal case has occurred, which one of the courts of the first instance of the case is specifically undertaken following the investigation and prosecution stages. As the beginning of criminal trial activity, trial jurisdiction is of great significance to the whole criminal lawsuit activity. The jurisdiction system of the Criminal Procedure Law of our country determines the first instance court by level and region, in which case the court of the case can be allocated reasonably in such a way. However, in some exceptional cases, the trial of the case by a court otherwise governed would lead to a fair and impartial hearing or a serious impact on the efficiency of the judiciary, which would then need to be dealt with, which was the purpose of the establishment of a change jurisdiction. Throughout the world, the change jurisdiction system of many developed countries has been perfect, and there are still many defects and deficiencies in our country's current change jurisdiction system. Among them, the relevant provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law are not sufficiently detailed, the operability is not strong, and the lack of further detailed judicial interpretation is also included. Therefore, the criminal trial change jurisdiction system needs to be further improved. On the basis of consulting relevant literature and analyzing the specific typical cases, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the existing change jurisdiction system, and puts forward its own ideas and suggestions for perfecting the jurisdiction system of criminal trial change in our country. First, the change jurisdiction refers to a system which transfers the original first instance case to another court through legal procedure under special circumstances, which is the redistribution of the jurisdiction of the first instance of the criminal case. In terms of status, the change of jurisdiction system is the modification and supplement of the statutory jurisdiction system. The change jurisdiction system is the necessary supplement to the avoidance system, and plays an important role in safeguarding the judicial justice and protecting human rights. Secondly, the factors that govern the application of the governing system are also varied. We mainly consider the nature and impact of the case, the trial environment of the case, the established investigative jurisdiction and the judicial capacity and the judicial resources. In the face of these special circumstances, the original statutory jurisdiction is very difficult to ensure that the judges are in an impartial position, and therefore we need to change the established jurisdiction to allow the trial of the case to proceed in an objective and impartial environment. Once again, the change jurisdiction system plays a very important role in practice, but its defects and deficiencies are also very obvious. Among them, the administrative color of the hierarchical jurisdiction is too strong, and it is applicable to the reduction of the judicial efficiency and the waste of judicial resources in various places. It is also obvious that the designated jurisdiction defect is also very obvious, the lack of participation of the parties, the single application type, the ambiguity of the relationship between the reconnaissance jurisdiction and the unclear reasons are also required to be solved. These problems, on the one hand, are too vague as a result of the law-related law, and on the other hand, due to the lack of detailed judicial interpretation. Finally, from guaranteeing the judicial justice and guaranteeing human rights as the core, adopting the mode of legislation, perfecting and refining the obscure places in the existing system. aiming at the defects and problems that the change jurisdiction system is exposed in the judicial practice, perfecting and modifying, modifying the articles inconsistent with the constitution spirit, defining the relation between the jurisdiction of the investigation and the jurisdiction, the conditions for initiating the change jurisdiction, and reconstructing the starting mode of the change jurisdiction, In order to guarantee the participation of defenders, the author puts forward his own opinions, and thinks from the angle of the prosecution and the defense angle, perfect the right to participate in the designated jurisdictional procedure, establish the corresponding relief procedure, and play a better role in the change jurisdiction.


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