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发布时间:2018-10-09 21:29
【摘要】:证人经济补偿制度是指对证人因作证而受到的直接经济损失,由国家特定机关依照法定程序给予补偿的制度。证人的经济补偿权是新修改的刑事诉讼法赋予证人对国家享有的一项基本权利,具有重要的现实意义。对证人进行经济补偿是“权利本位”现代法治思想和保证证人作证的必然要求,是保障证人作为刑事诉讼程序主体地位和刑事诉讼“以人为本”终极价值观的重要体现,同时随着国际交流与协助的加强,证人经济补偿权对跨国证人来说也日益重要。 要完善我国证人经济补偿制度,需要建立专门的证人保障机构,并在其下设立证人经济补偿科室独立负责证人的经济补偿工作。在经济补偿资金方面,应实行由中央财政统一安排,地方各级财政配套的体制,建立专项的证人基金,做到专款专用。另外,要加强证人经济补偿资格审查,对满足法定条件的证人方能给予经济补偿,,而且经济补偿的范围限于作证所支出的交通费、餐饮费、住宿费和进行作证所产生的误工损失。经济补偿程序上应包括公安司法机关告知权利、申请人提出申请、经济补偿审查、证人经济补偿决定、经济补偿金的追回等过程。在证人的经济补偿权遭到侵犯时,其有权利向原作出决定机关申请复核,并向上一级证人保障机构申请复议。
[Abstract]:The system of economic compensation for witnesses refers to the system of compensation for the direct economic losses suffered by witnesses as a result of testifying, according to the legal procedures of the special organs of the state. The witness's right to economic compensation is a basic right granted to the witness by the newly amended Criminal procedure Law, which has important practical significance. The economic compensation for witnesses is the inevitable requirement of the modern legal thought of "right standard" and the guarantee of witness testifying. It is also an important embodiment of ensuring the witness's status as the subject of criminal procedure and the ultimate value of "people-oriented" in criminal procedure. At the same time, with the strengthening of international communication and assistance, the right of economic compensation of witnesses is becoming more and more important to transnational witnesses. In order to perfect the witness economic compensation system in our country, it is necessary to establish a special witness protection institution, and to set up a witness economic compensation department under it to take charge of the witness's economic compensation work independently. In the aspect of economic compensation funds, the central finance should unify the arrangement, the local finance at all levels should support the system, the establishment of special witness funds, so as to achieve special funds. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the examination of the qualification of witnesses for financial compensation, so that only witnesses who meet the statutory conditions can be given financial compensation. Moreover, the scope of economic compensation is limited to the transportation expenses and food and beverage expenses incurred by the witnesses who testify. Accommodation costs and late work losses arising from testifying. The procedure of economic compensation should include the right to inform the public security and judicial organs, the application of the applicant, the examination of the financial compensation, the decision of the witness's financial compensation, the recovery of the financial compensation and so on. When a witness's right to financial compensation is violated, he has the right to apply for review to the original decision making organ and to the witness protection agency at the next higher level.


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