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发布时间:2018-10-16 18:28
【摘要】:民事公益诉讼是指法律规定的有关机关、社会团体和个人就侵害公共利益行为提起的专门的民事诉讼活动,其设立的目的在于保护公共利益。此前,由于我国民事公益诉讼制度的缺失使得许多公共利益得不到切实的保护,诸多维权人士提起的公益性质的诉讼均草草收场。为此,社会各界均呼吁在我国建立其民事公益诉讼制度。2012年,新民诉法第五十五条首次写入民事公益诉讼的内容,成为本次民事诉讼法修改的一大亮点。但与此同时,由于法律规定较为模糊,很多实体、程序问题均未能有效解决。为此,对我国民事公益诉讼制度的构件、完善等进行研究探讨是有必要的。本文从民事公益诉讼的基本理论入手,借鉴国外经验,结合我国司法实践,,对我国民事公益诉讼的完善提出了一些设想。 笔者从四个方面对我国民事公益诉讼制度进行研究,将论文主体分文如下四部分: 第一部分,对公共利益进行了界定和立法分析,论述了公益诉讼制度的历史沿革、基本理念并对民事公益诉讼进行了界定分析。 第二部分,对国内外公益诉讼制度的立法状况进行比较研究。 第三部分,对我国民事公益诉讼的严峻现进行分析,并论述了构建完善民事公益诉讼制度的意义。 第三部分,从立法和其他层面就我国民事公益诉讼制度的进一步完善提出了一些建议,具体从民事公益诉讼的受案范围、主体资格、法院管辖、举证责任分配、诉讼费用负担、判决既判力的扩张等方面进行分析。
[Abstract]:Civil Public interest Litigation refers to the special civil action against the public interest initiated by the relevant organs, social organizations and individuals, whose purpose is to protect the public interest. Previously, due to the absence of civil public interest litigation system in China, many public interests can not be effectively protected, and many public interest lawsuits filed by activists have all come to an end. Therefore, all walks of life call for the establishment of the civil public interest litigation system in our country. In 2012, article 55 of the New Civil procedure Law was written into the content of civil public interest litigation for the first time, which became a bright spot in the revision of the Civil procedure Law. But at the same time, due to the vague legal provisions, many entities, procedural problems have not been effectively resolved. Therefore, it is necessary to study the components and consummation of the civil public interest litigation system in China. This article starts with the basic theory of civil public interest litigation, draws lessons from foreign experience, and combines the judicial practice of our country, and puts forward some tentative ideas for the perfection of civil public interest litigation in our country. The author studies the civil public interest litigation system of our country from four aspects, divides the main body of the thesis into four parts as follows: the first part, has carried on the definition and the legislation analysis to the public interest, has discussed the historical evolution of the public interest litigation system, The basic concept and civil public interest litigation are defined and analyzed. The second part, the domestic and foreign public interest litigation system legislative situation carries on the comparative research. The third part analyzes the austere situation of civil public interest litigation in China, and discusses the significance of constructing and perfecting the civil public interest litigation system. The third part, from the legislative and other aspects of our civil public interest litigation system to further improve some suggestions, specifically from the civil public interest litigation of the scope of cases, subject qualifications, court jurisdiction, burden of proof, burden of litigation costs, The expansion of res judicata is analyzed.


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