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发布时间:2018-10-16 19:18
[Abstract]:The difficulty of obtaining evidence leads to reward evidence in judicial practice, especially in the field of criminal procedure and administrative law enforcement. But in the civil action, the procedural law does not make the stipulation to this. The blank legislation leads to theoretical disputes and confusion in civil judicial practice. Accurate confirmation of the effectiveness of reward evidence in civil proceedings becomes the key. Specifically speaking, in the aspect of evidence capacity, reward evidence does not belong to civil illegal evidence that needs to be excluded, so it has evidence capacity. In the aspect of proof, different standards of proof should be adopted for different reward evidence. For verbal evidence obtained with a reward, the examination of its evidentiary power should be relatively strict than that of ordinary evidence. It is suggested that a witness with a reward should be required to testify in court rather than to submit written testimony; for physical evidence obtained with a reward, The examination of its proof power can draw lessons from the reasonable doubt standard in the criminal procedure, and it can be regarded as the final decision basis only if it is sure of its authenticity. It is suggested that the relevant provisions of the Civil procedure Law should include rules for the certification of reward evidence. In addition, in order to make clear the extension of reward evidence, it is necessary to distinguish it from private relief, bribe witness and trap evidence. In the future revision of the Civil procedure Law, the civil reward evidence can be regulated from the following aspects: the scope of application, the publication of the reward information, the cross-examination and authentication of the reward evidence, the amount and commitment of the reward money, etc. In order to better improve our civil reward evidence system.


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