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发布时间:2018-10-20 08:01
[Abstract]:The administrative filing registration system was established for the first time in the Administrative Litigation Law promulgated in 2015, which marks the entry of a new era in China's administrative litigation filing system. In January 2017, the registration system with brilliant achievements was created in practice. At the same time, there are many problems. Although the registration system has alleviated the problem of "filing a case" on a large scale, the problems exposed in the system itself and in practice should not be ignored: the registration system itself has no clear theoretical support, and various people's courts have different standards for the examination of the conditions for prosecution. The actual operation is ambiguous; the court carries out the system of filing and registration at the same time the lack of supervision mechanism, the power can not be supervised; the lack of corresponding system to match it; the parties overappeal and so on. Therefore, in the process of legislation and judicial practice, it is necessary to continuously improve the administrative registration system in order to protect the litigants' right of action to the maximum extent. The thesis consists of four parts: chapter one: an overview of the registration system of administrative proceedings. After clarifying the relevant concepts of the system, the background of the establishment of the registration system in China is briefly introduced. To carry on the study to the extraterritorial filing system, put forward the beneficial reference point. Finally, it puts forward the relevant theoretical basis to support the establishment of absolute registration system in China. The second chapter: the reasons for the establishment of administrative litigation registration system and the desired objectives. On the basis of the analysis of the original system, the problem is found, and the goal after the reform is combed and discussed. Chapter three: research on the registration system of administrative litigation. Through data collection, literature reference and so on, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the registration system of administrative litigation by drawing on the relevant viewpoints of domestic scholars. Chapter four: the perfection of the registration system of administrative litigation in our country. In view of the defects of the administrative registration system in the third chapter, such as the lack of supervision, some reform suggestions are put forward.


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