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发布时间:2018-10-22 09:55
[Abstract]:There are two types of decisions on transfer to jurisdiction made by Chinese courts: one is the decision made by the court on its own initiative, the other is the ruling made passively when the court reviews the parties' jurisdictional objection that the parties claim to be established. The legal norm of our country has not clearly stipulated the relief path of the parties to the transfer jurisdiction and adjudication. In order to realize the balance between the litigant's litigation rights and the court's trial power, it is necessary to probe into this problem. The relief path of the parties to the order of transfer jurisdiction depends on the specific types of the order of transfer jurisdiction: in the first type, since the ruling made by the court does not involve the parties about jurisdiction, the right of relief should be given to the parties. The parties have the right to challenge their jurisdiction to the court to which they are transferred rather than to the court, but cannot appeal directly against the decision of the court; in the second type, under the principle of non bis in idem of civil action, The other party that raises the jurisdiction objection or transfers the jurisdiction application does not have the right of appeal against the transfer jurisdiction ruling.
【作者单位】: 山东大学法学院;
【基金】:中国法学会部级重点课题“我国民事诉讼简易程序实证研究”(项目编号:CLS(2015)ZDWT55) “山东大学青年学者未来计划资助”的阶段性成果


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