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发布时间:2018-10-23 12:10
[Abstract]:In 2012, the criminal procedure law re-established the whole case transfer system, which indicates that the goal of the criminal procedure reform in our country is adjusted to a more practical direction. However, the 2012 Code of Criminal procedure does not specify how the full prosecution case file should be used at the trial stage. The correct approach is that the pretrial review and pre-trial preparation should be conducted mainly on the basis of the prosecution file materials to strengthen the substantive nature of the pre-trial review and the adequacy of the pre-trial preparation; and once the court trial is formally opened, Therefore, the principle of direct trial should be strictly carried out, and the record of prosecution file can only play a role in a limited range. A mistake that needs to be avoided at this time is to prohibit judges from reading their papers before the opening of the session and to limit the interpretation during the trial of many provisions that highlight the principle of direct trial, including article 187, paragraph 1, of the 2012 Code of Criminal procedure, Thus the file record as the main object of the court investigation.
【作者单位】: 中国青年政治学院法学院;


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