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发布时间:2018-10-24 17:37
[Abstract]:The third party system of administrative litigation in our country starts late, the theoretical research is not perfect, and there is a lot of blank in legislation. In recent years, with the rapid development of our economy and the development of the concept of rule of law, the situation involving the third party in the administrative proceedings is increasing day by day, and the difficulty of the case adjudication is gradually increasing. Accordingly, the provisions of the current law concerning the third party in administrative proceedings expose serious legislative defects. Because the people's court is overstretched in the application of the law, the judge often enjoys greater discretion in the case involving the third party in the administrative litigation. This is not conducive to the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the third party in the administrative proceedings, nor to the smooth conduct of the judicial work. It has even affected the establishment of judicial authority in the people's courts. The new Administrative Litigation Law, which was implemented in 2015, has perfected the third party system, but there are still many legislative gaps, which make it difficult to solve many legal problems in judicial practice. The introduction of the latest judicial interpretation does not pay attention to the third party, so it is necessary to perfect the third party system in administrative litigation. In this paper, the analysis of the elements and comparative analysis of the research methods, first of all, the new law for the third party in administrative proceedings legislative analysis, The third party system under the legislative background of the new administrative procedure law is pointed out. Secondly, through the induction and deduction of the existing academic achievements of the third party in administrative litigation, the author analyzes the constitutive elements of interest, which consists of the elements of interest and causality. With the deepening of the theory, the judgment method of the definition of interests is obtained, through which the qualification of the third party in the administrative litigation can be determined. Finally, combining with the theory of our country, the concrete situation of the third party in the administrative litigation in practice, On the basis of the classification of the third party in administrative litigation, the characteristics and litigation rights of the third party of each type are expounded in detail.


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