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发布时间:2018-10-26 08:21
[Abstract]:After 1949, there was a theoretical division between the criminal law field of the mainland and Taiwan: the former studied Soviet Russia, formed the "four elements" coupling plane structure in the criminal theory system, and had a strong tendency to incriminate, but in the mode of proof, Emphasizing the mutual confirmation in the form of the chain of evidence, showing a kind of dissimilation "holism", lacking the cognitive integration and neglecting the atomic analysis at the same time; The latter, following Germany and Japan, forms an open progressive structure of "three strata" in the criminal theory system, which highlights the type thinking, while in the mode of proof, it pays attention to the examination and judgment of individual evidence. It has the color of "atomism" and the transition to "holism" in the process of proving mode initialization. The "guiding image", which is the guide of the entity cognition and procedure, the different choice between the criminal theory system and the criminal judicial proof mode leads to the difference of the criminal judicial practice between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, and the effect of the interlaced application of the criminal law and the criminal procedure law. Also in the judge's cognitive process has been centralized presentation.
【作者单位】: 中国政法大学刑事司法学院;


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