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发布时间:2018-10-26 15:13
[Abstract]:The right to know in public law originates from citizens' right to participate in political power and supervision, and has become an individual's right to establish law. The administrative litigation to safeguard this kind of right naturally belongs to one kind of subjective litigation, and the right to know serves the public interest of participating in government affairs, supervising the government administration according to law, the administrative litigation of information publicity also has the objective lawsuit face. Private application for the disclosure of government information is the exercise of their right to know protected by the norms of administrative law; At the same time, because the right to know belongs to any citizen and serves the interests of no specific subject, the prosecutor does not have to have special personal interests, so long as he submits a public application, he will establish an "interest" with the administrative decision on information disclosure. Can have the plaintiff qualification that brings administrative lawsuit. As to whether there is a special need for government information, it should be proved only if the plaintiff adds value to the use of government information. Even if the prosecutor has the right to read files in administrative proceedings, it does not affect his right to know about the administrative proceedings. The right to know is a kind of substantive right, which should be guaranteed by due process. Having one of the entities and procedures is sufficient to have the benefit of information disclosure administrative litigation. Based on this, we should not judge the abuse of the right of action in principle for the administrative litigation of information disclosure.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学法学院;


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