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发布时间:2018-10-29 18:06
【摘要】:公诉案件简易审判程序是这样一种程序:与普通程序进行比较,公诉案件简易程序审理过程中简化了诉讼阶段与环节。设置公诉案件简易程序是追求司法公正与效率的必然选择,,在司法实践中意义颇为重大。在刑事诉讼资源有限而公诉案件不断增加的背景下,协调好公正和效率的关系是公诉案件简易审判程序得以存在的价值基础。我们将二者位于这个程序中的关系定位为效率相对优先、兼顾公正。 纵观国外主要国家公诉案件简易程序的设置,由于法律传统和各国实际的不同呈现出不同的风格特色。为了更好地把握简易程序在公诉案件审理中发展的内在规律,笔者对这些模型进行了分析和总结,并探讨了简易程序发展的发展特点和趋势。我国1996年刑事诉讼法增设了简易程序。其后2012年刑事诉讼法又做出了大幅的修改和调整,在适用范围、启动模式、审判方式等方面均发生了重大变化,使我国的刑事诉讼总体上保持了高效。然而,由于立法模式的一元化和配套制度的缺失,现有公诉案件简易程序的实践还是未能实现司法资源的最佳配置。 本文通过对域外代表性的公诉案件简易程序模式较系统的考察,在分析我国公诉案件简易审判程序实施现状的基础上,为进一步完善公诉案件简易审判程序,提出了一些具体建议。在坚持正当程序原则的前提下,寻求公正与效率的平衡、惩罚犯罪与保障人权的平衡,是完善公诉案件简易审判程序的原则。在具体原则的指导下,完善适用中的相关具体问题、建立书面审理程序和控辩协商程序等配套制度,积极解决实践中的各种难题。总之,进一步完善公诉案件简易审判程序,是我国当前的改革发展之路,有利于提高我国刑事诉讼的民主与文明水平。
[Abstract]:The summary trial procedure of public prosecution case is such a procedure: compared with ordinary procedure, the summary procedure of public prosecution case simplifies the stage and link of litigation. The establishment of summary procedure in public prosecution cases is an inevitable choice in pursuit of judicial justice and efficiency, which is of great significance in judicial practice. Under the background of the limited resources of criminal procedure and the increasing number of public prosecution cases, it is the value foundation for the summary trial procedure of public prosecution cases to coordinate the relationship between justice and efficiency. We position the relationship between the two in this procedure as the relative priority of efficiency and fairness. In view of the establishment of summary procedure of public prosecution cases in foreign countries, there are different styles and characteristics due to the differences of legal traditions and countries. In order to better understand the inherent law of the development of summary procedure in the trial of public prosecution cases, the author analyzes and summarizes these models, and probes into the characteristics and trends of the development of summary procedure. Summary procedure was added to our criminal procedure law in 1996. Since then, the Criminal procedure Law of 2012 has made a substantial revision and adjustment, in the scope of application, starting mode, trial methods and other aspects have undergone significant changes, so that the overall criminal proceedings in our country has maintained an efficient. However, due to the monism of legislative model and the lack of supporting system, the practice of summary procedure of public prosecution cases still fails to achieve the best allocation of judicial resources. Based on the analysis of the current situation of summary trial procedure of public prosecution cases in our country, this paper makes a systematic investigation on the mode of summary procedure of public prosecution cases in order to further improve the summary trial procedure of public prosecution cases. Some concrete suggestions are put forward. On the premise of adhering to the principle of due process, it is the principle to perfect the summary trial procedure of public prosecution cases by seeking the balance between justice and efficiency, between punishing crime and safeguarding human rights. Under the guidance of concrete principles, we should perfect the relevant concrete problems in application, establish the supporting systems such as written hearing procedure and procuratorial and defense consultation procedure, and solve all kinds of difficult problems in practice. In a word, further perfecting the summary trial procedure of public prosecution cases is the way of reform and development of our country at present, which is helpful to improve the democratic and civilized level of criminal procedure in our country.


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