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发布时间:2018-11-04 16:57
[Abstract]:The "dual standard" of small amount litigation established by the amendment to the Civil procedure Law of our country decides that "the summary procedure shall be applied to simple small cases and the final instance shall be made at first instance." The dual-track mechanism of applying ordinary procedure and two-instance final appeal to non-simple small cases is inevitable. This not only challenges the principle of equal rights of the parties in civil proceedings, but also greatly suppresses the goal and significance of setting up the mechanism of small claims. It is difficult to solve the problem of litigation congestion, low judicial efficiency and poor quality due to the weak performance of the first instance procedure in our country. Therefore, the civil procedure law of our country should construct the judicial alternative dispute resolution mechanism which is more compatible with the dispute itself and the demand for resolving the dispute, so as to truly embody its humanity concern and procedural rationality.
【作者单位】: 中山大学法学院;


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