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发布时间:2018-11-07 09:13
【摘要】:自20世纪70年代以来,加强刑事被害人人权保障已经成为一个世界性趋势。国内外学者对此进行了大量研究,但是,研究主要集中在对刑事被害人诉讼权利、被害人救助制度等有限几个方面。而对于刑事被害人的民事权益保护研究的很少。本文拟从刑事被害人民事权益保护研究的重要性出发,通过对案件进行分析,结合立法及学理观点,进行分析评判,在此基础上提出应当扩大刑事被害人的主体范围和赔偿范围的建议,同时还应明确刑事被害人民事赔偿的责任主体,以此加强对刑事被害人民事权益的保护。 本文除绪论、结语外,正文包括四个部分。第一章——阐明刑事被害人民事权益保护研究的重要性。本章通过说明我国在此方面的立法现状及缺陷,指出刑事被害人的民事权益在现代司法理念下被边缘化,具体表现在刑事被害人主体范围狭小、赔偿范围狭窄;再对刑事被害人民事权益保护制度产生缺陷的原因进行分析,说明不注重刑事被害人民事权益保护的危害性,提出要加强对刑事被害人民事权益的保护。第二章——刑事被害人主体范围的扩大。本章首先对比了我国学者、国外以及我国台湾地区对刑事被害人的界定,通过对比分析,得出近亲属、精神受到损害的人以及法人都应当纳入刑事被害人的主体范畴这一结论。第三章——刑事被害人赔偿责任主体相关问题研究。本章指出目前我国现行法关于刑事附带民事赔偿责任主体的规定不明确,需要进一步完善。具体而言,对于无刑事责任能力或限制刑事责任能力人的监护人责任承担过于武断,应根据案件的实际情况决定;指出在刑事犯罪中,用人单位应当与工作人员一起承担连带赔偿责任,而非民法上的替代责任;再次指出我国法律在设置上的遗漏,未追究未尽安全保障义务人的民事赔偿责任,应予补充完善。第四章——扩大我国刑事被害人民事赔偿范围。本章首先指出现行立法关于刑事被害人赔偿的范畴过窄及其成因,阐述扩大刑事被害人民事赔偿范畴的法学理论基础,得出刑事赔偿的范畴不应仅限于直接物质损失,分别指出刑事被告人应当赔偿刑事被害人的死亡赔偿金、精神损害赔偿以及被扶养人生活费。
[Abstract]:Since the 1970s, it has become a worldwide trend to strengthen the protection of human rights of criminal victims. Scholars at home and abroad have done a lot of research on this, but the study mainly focuses on the criminal victim litigation rights, victim relief system and other limited aspects. However, the research on the protection of civil rights and interests of criminal victims is rare. Starting from the importance of the research on the protection of the civil rights and interests of the criminal victims, this paper analyzes the cases, combines the legislative and theoretical viewpoints, and makes an analysis and judgment. On this basis, the author suggests that the scope of criminal victim should be expanded and the scope of compensation should be extended. At the same time, the liability subject of civil compensation for criminal victim should be defined so as to strengthen the protection of civil rights and interests of criminal victim. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the text consists of four parts. The first chapter expounds the importance of the research on the protection of the civil rights and interests of criminal victims. This chapter points out that the civil rights and interests of the criminal victims are marginalized under the modern judicial idea by explaining the present situation and defects of our country's legislation in this respect, which is manifested in the narrow scope of the criminal victims' subject and the narrow scope of the compensation. After analyzing the causes of the defects in the system of protecting the civil rights and interests of the criminal victims, the author explains the harm of not paying attention to the protection of the civil rights and interests of the criminal victims, and puts forward the need to strengthen the protection of the civil rights and interests of the criminal victims. Chapter two-the expansion of the subject scope of criminal victim. This chapter first compares the definition of criminal victim in our country scholars, foreign countries and Taiwan area, and draws the conclusion that the near relatives, the person who has suffered mental damage and the legal person should be included in the subject category of the criminal victim. The third chapter is the research on the subject of criminal victim compensation. This chapter points out that the current law of our country is not clear about the subject of criminal incidental civil liability, and needs further improvement. Specifically, the guardian responsibility of the person with no or limited capacity for criminal responsibility is too arbitrary and should be decided according to the actual situation of the case; It is pointed out that in criminal offences, the employing unit should bear joint and several liability for compensation with the staff, rather than substitute liability in the civil law; It is pointed out again that the omission in the establishment of the law in our country and the failure to investigate the civil liability of the unprotected obligor should be supplemented and perfected. Chapter IV-expand the scope of civil compensation for criminal victims in China. This chapter firstly points out that the scope of criminal victim compensation is too narrow and its cause of formation in current legislation, and expounds the legal theoretical basis of expanding the scope of civil compensation for criminal victims, and concludes that the category of criminal compensation should not be limited to direct material loss. The author points out that the criminal defendant should compensate the criminal victim for the death compensation, the mental damage compensation and the dependant's living expenses.


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