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发布时间:2018-11-08 18:12
[Abstract]:The purpose of administrative litigation is to resolve administrative disputes and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations. Although the execution of administrative proceedings is the last link in administrative litigation, it is only true that the rights and obligations as determined by the court decisions are implemented. In order to completely resolve administrative disputes. At present, the situation of "difficult execution" of administrative litigation in our country is severe, and it is called "three difficulties" together with "difficult to file a case" and "difficult to hear", which is a strong problem reflected by the masses of people in administrative litigation. Compared with civil proceedings and criminal proceedings, administrative litigation has the special attribute of "public prosecution", especially when administrative organs fail as defendants and refuse to perform their duties of adjudication, it is very difficult for the courts to enforce them at the present stage. On the one hand, because of the lack of judicial independence and judicial authority in our country, the people, property and property of the court are all subject to local conditions; on the other hand, the enforcement legal system of administrative litigation in our country is imperfect, and the compulsory measures that the court can take are limited. Although the new Administrative Litigation Law has added the measures of "fine, detention" and "proclamation" for the persons in charge of administrative organs, to a certain extent, it can alleviate the present situation of "difficult execution" of administrative litigation in our country, but there are still some shortcomings. In order to solve the problem of "difficult execution" of administrative litigation, we should first reform the judicial system to ensure the independence of the judiciary, and then perfect the specific legal system concerning the execution of administrative decisions.


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