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发布时间:2018-11-09 11:25
[Abstract]:False litigation is a judicial problem that has been highlighted in recent years, and it is also an original concept in the field of practice. The relevant theoretical research is not deep enough, but its breeding and spreading tendency has seriously damaged the inherent will of the litigation system. It brings a new challenge to judicial practice. The purpose of civil action is to solve the legal disputes between equal subjects and to maintain the legal civil rights and interests and the normal order of civil activities. But the false lawsuit deviates from the legitimate idea of "good faith" and "right must not be abused", fabricates the legal fact, brings the lawsuit of no profit through illegal means such as forgery and alteration of evidence, and makes the lawsuit function dissimilation. Seriously disrupting the construction process of harmonious social order, it is no longer the real way to resolve disputes, it is only a tool for the perpetrator to seek illegal interests, and has become a very harmful illegal behavior. False litigation is the product of the absence of social integrity moral system and the formalism of rule of law. To identify and control the false litigation, we should not only start from the national moral consciousness, but also build a defense line from the legislative and judicial system, in order to help the actor to exercise the right of action correctly and rationally, and to express his demands. In order to achieve a balanced protection of legitimate interests, better reflect the unity of procedural justice and substantive justice. This article still roughly follows the logic thought of "posing problem-analyzing problem-solving problem". The specific contents are as follows: the first part mainly introduces the identification of false litigation and its related concepts. Through the concept definition, the characteristic analysis, the combination false lawsuit in the trial practice typical situation carries on the elaboration, grasps the present situation, then carries on the brief appraisal to the related legislation situation. In the second part, the author analyzes the causes of false litigation from three aspects: concept consciousness, legal system and judicial operation, and points out the inherent theoretical misunderstanding and logic contradiction of false litigation on the basis of the analysis of the causes mentioned above. Sum up, sum up its great harm. The third part analyzes why the action of false litigation should be prevented from the angle of the game of reality and ought to be, analyzes the importance of solving the problem, and further analyzes the evidence from the trend of international legislation. The fourth part, from the judicial practice and the regulation rules mutual dialectical, mutual promotion angle proposed the regulation false lawsuit related suggestion, carries on the conformity to the full text, this part also is the full text main purpose.


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