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发布时间:2018-11-11 14:47
[Abstract]:The counterclaim of the second instance proceedings shall be a relatively independent action, The two theories of procedural option and dispute resolution provide a solid basis for its legitimacy. Article 328 of the Civil procedure Law is the basis of the counterclaim of the second instance procedure in our country. However, the procedure arrangement intertwined in this article has three important problems, such as the imbalance of interests, the procedural breakage and the dislocation of norms, which seriously inhibit the theoretical identification and practical utilization of the counterclaim of the second instance procedure. In the process of constructing an orderly and flexible counterclaim of the second instance procedure, the reasonable way of thinking is to combine the consensual mechanism of the parties with the power of clarification of the court in order to realize the common growth between the two. In this way, the concept of cooperation will be properly injected into modern civil litigation, and then will profoundly change the pattern of civil litigation and its future development.
【作者单位】: 浙江工商大学法学院;
【基金】:2014年浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题“民事诉讼结构的嬗变与诉讼合作主义的生成”(14NDJC136YB) 2015年杭州市哲学社会科学规划课题“环境公益诉讼权利生成效能的实现路径与程序安排研究”(Z15JC124) 2016年浙江工商大学法学基地课题“环境公益诉讼权利生成效能的实现路径与程序安排研究”(2016B008)


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