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发布时间:2018-11-13 18:51
【摘要】:票据除权判决以法院判决这一公法行为将票据权利从票据本体上剥离,使申请人不须持有票据,只需依据法院判决就能够实现票据权利。票据除权判决在大多数情况下是失票人的有效法宝,却在个别情况下成为不法分子的利用对象。没有丧失票据的情形,却假冒失票前的最后持有人恶意申请除权判决,不仅侵害了合法持票人的正当权益,也损害了法律的威严,影响交易安全。司法实践中,同是为了维护自己的合法权益而提起诉讼,当事人却得到截然不同的结果,这主要是因为合法持票人所采取的诉讼策略不同。综合分析,合法持票人的诉讼请求能否得到法院的支持,主要涉及两个问题——票据除权判决的法律效力以及票据除权判决的撤销问题。但是对于这两个问题,目前我国相关法律法规还没有明文规定,理论界和实务界也存在不同的声音和做法。法律规定不明晰,救济途径不明朗,合法持票人的正当权益难以得到有效维护。因此,对于票据除权判决的研究就显得必要而迫切。 本文拟围绕合法持票人的权利救济,从大量司法判例中提炼出相关争议点,从纷繁复杂的观点中整理逻辑思路,综合运用调查法、文献研究方法和比较分析法重点对票据除权判决的性质、法律效力和票据除权判决的撤销等问题进行逐一探讨,试图找出合法持票人捍卫自己权利的最佳途径,以期对除权判决制度的完善和对实践中合法持票人的权益维护有所裨益。除引言和结语外,,本文对票据除权判决的论述分为三个部分。 第一部分是票据除权判决概述。以票据除权判决的概念为出发点,先对票据除权判决的申请条件进行介绍,为后文中论述恶意申请除权判决的情形埋下伏笔。接着对作出票据除权判决的程序——公示催告程序进行论述,引出票据除权判决的特征,也为下文分析票据除权判决的性质、法律效力及撤销等问题打下基础。 第二部分是票据除权判决的性质及法律效力。研究票据除权判决的法律效力是研究合法持票人的权利救济的根基与关键,而票据除权判决的法律效力以其性质为基础,故本部分先对票据除权判决的性质加以分析,进而对票据除权判决的效力种类及内容进行剖析。 第三部分是票据除权判决的撤销。本部分先从现实生活中存在恶意申请除权判决的情形入手,通过对比分析司法实践中合法持票人可能选择的救济途径,得出撤销票据除权判决具有现实需要的结论;接着,通过对《民事诉讼法》第223条进行解读,找到撤销票据除权判决的法律依据;继而在对域外立法现状进行考察后,得出撤销票据除权判决符合国际立法趋势的结论。进而结合我国相关法律规定,对撤销票据除权判决应适用的程序以及须满足的条件作出说明,并对撤销票据除权判决的法律效果进行分析。
[Abstract]:By the public law act of the court judgment, the bill right is stripped from the bill body, so that the applicant does not have to hold the bill, but can realize the bill right only according to the judgment of the court. In most cases, the judgment of bill exclusion right is the effective magic weapon of the person who lost the bill, but in some cases it becomes the object of use by the lawless elements. The situation of not losing the bill, but impersonating the final holder before the loss of the ticket maliciously applies for the judgment of excluding the right, not only infringes the legitimate rights and interests of the legal holder, but also damages the authority of the law and affects the security of the transaction. In judicial practice, both litigants bring lawsuits in order to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, but the parties get different results, which is mainly due to the different litigation strategies adopted by legal holders of tickets. Synthetically analysis, whether the legal holder's lawsuit request can be supported by the court, mainly involves two questions: the legal effect of the judgment of the bill right of exclusion and the question of the revocation of the judgment of the right of the bill exemption. However, for these two problems, the relevant laws and regulations of our country have not been explicitly stipulated, and there are different voices and practices in the theoretical and practical circles. The legal provisions are unclear, the remedies are unclear, and the legitimate rights and interests of legal holders are difficult to be effectively safeguarded. Therefore, it is necessary and urgent to study the judgment of bill excluding right. This paper focuses on the relief of the rights of legal ticket holders, abstracts the relevant points of dispute from a large number of judicial precedents, collates the logical ideas from the complicated viewpoints, and synthetically applies the investigation method. The methods of literature research and comparative analysis focus on the issues of the nature, legal effect and revocation of the judgment on the right of bill exclusion, in order to find out the best way for the legal holder to defend his own rights. It is beneficial to the perfection of the judgment system and the protection of the rights and interests of the legal holder in practice. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this article is divided into three parts. The first part is the summary of the judgment of the bill right. Based on the concept of bill exclusion judgment, this paper first introduces the application conditions of bill exclusion judgment, and lays the groundwork for the discussion of the case of maliciously applying for excluding right judgment in the following article. Then, the paper discusses the procedure of making the judgment of the right to remove the bill-the procedure of public notice, which leads to the characteristics of the judgment of the right of exemption of the bill, and lays a foundation for the following analysis of the nature, legal effect and revocation of the judgment of the right of exemption of the bill. The second part is the nature and legal effect of the judgment on the right of bill exclusion. It is the foundation and key to study the legal effect of the judgment on the right of the legal holder, and the legal effect of the judgment is based on its nature, so this part first analyzes the nature of the judgment. Furthermore, it analyzes the types and contents of the validity of the judgment. The third part is the annulment of the judgment of the right of eliminating the bill. This part starts with the situation of malicious application for exemption judgment in real life, through the comparative analysis of the legal ticket holder in judicial practice may choose the relief way, draw the conclusion that the revocation of bill exemption judgment has practical needs; Then, through the interpretation of Article 223 of the Civil procedure Law, the author finds out the legal basis for revoking the judgment of the right to remove bills, and then, after investigating the present situation of legislation abroad, draws the conclusion that the judgment of revocation of the right to remove the right of bill is in line with the trend of international legislation. Combined with the relevant laws and regulations of our country, this paper explains the procedure and the conditions that should be satisfied in the judgment of revoking the right to cancel the bill, and analyzes the legal effect of the judgment of revocation of the right of cancellation of bill.


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