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发布时间:2018-11-15 10:44
【摘要】:2012年《刑事诉讼法》设立了犯罪嫌疑人、被告人逃匿、死亡案件违法所得没收程序(以下简称“违法所得没收程序”),开启了我国违法所得没收的司法处理途径。在解决我国贪污贿赂犯罪案件赃款外流问题,打击日益猖獗的恐怖活动方面,违法所得没收程序起着至关重要作用。但因违法所得没收程序的性质不明确,程序规则较粗糙,实务经验不足等原因使其无法完全达到立法者期望之功用。全文以刑诉法及“两高”等机关制定的司法解释为依据,厘清本程序的基本框架,分析和明确了程序的概念和性质,为我国违法所得没收程序的完善提供理论依据和路径。 全文共五个部分,具体为: 第一部分主要探讨了本程序的基础理论。简要阐述本程序的概念及意义,对程序基本概念方面有了初步的认知和了解。通过形式与内容两个侧面对我国违法所得没收程序的性质进行全面的分析论证,指出并阐明了我国违法所得没收程序既是刑事诉讼程序又是保安处分措施的基本性质。 第二部分简要阐述了本程序的法律框架。以《刑事诉讼法》及相关司法解释对违法所得没收程序的规定为蓝本,对我国违法所得没收程序的适用规则、审理程序、违法所得的处理及救济措施和终止条件等四个方面内容进行了分析和研究。 第三部分概括介绍了本程序的域外考察及启示。以英美法系的民事没收模式和大陆法系的刑事没收体例为基准,解读了欧美、大洋洲、亚洲等部分国家的没收程序,并从中为我国违法所得没收程序的完善寻找启示和经验。 第四部分简单分析了本程序存在的问题及原因分析。以《刑事诉讼法》及相关司法解释为蓝本,通过没收范围界定不明、证明标准的缺失、上诉期限过短、利害关系参与审判的短板、适用范围的界定过大、犯罪行为人归案后处置的简单化等六个方面来分析存在的问题,为进一步推进我国违法所得没收程序的完善做准备。 第五部分提出了本程序的完善建议。以存在的问题为基础,围绕程序基本性质,从明确没收范围、确立合理的证明标准、扩展上诉期限、建立通知参加的利害关系人参与方式、限制违法所得没收程序的适用范围、建立犯罪行为人归案后的分类处置方式等方面提出我国违法所得没收程序的完善建议。
[Abstract]:In 2012, the Criminal procedure Law established the criminal suspect, the accused fled to hide, the death case illegal income confiscation procedure (hereinafter referred to as "the illegal income confiscation procedure"), opened our country illegal income confiscation judicial processing way. The procedure of confiscation of illegal proceeds plays an important role in solving the problem of the outflow of proceeds from corruption and bribery cases in our country and in cracking down on the increasingly rampant terrorist activities. However, due to the unclear nature of illegal income confiscation procedure, rough rules of procedure and lack of practical experience, it is unable to fully meet the expectations of legislators. Based on the judicial interpretation made by the Criminal procedure Law and the "two High levels", this paper clarifies the basic framework of this procedure, analyzes and clarifies the concept and nature of the procedure, and provides a theoretical basis and path for the perfection of the procedure of confiscation of illegal income in China. The first part mainly discusses the basic theory of this program. This paper briefly describes the concept and significance of the program, and has a preliminary understanding of the basic concept of the program. Based on the analysis and demonstration of the nature of illegal income confiscation procedure in China, the author points out and clarifies that the confiscation procedure is not only a criminal procedure but also a basic nature of security measures. The second part briefly describes the legal framework of this procedure. Based on the provisions of the Criminal procedure Law and the relevant judicial interpretations on the procedure for confiscation of illegal income, the applicable rules of the procedure for confiscation of illegal income in China and the trial procedure shall be taken as the basis. The treatment of illegal proceeds and relief measures and termination conditions are analyzed and studied. The third part introduces the foreign investigation and enlightenment of this procedure. Based on the civil confiscation model of Anglo-American law system and the criminal confiscation style of continental law system, this paper interprets the confiscation procedures of some countries, such as Europe and America, Oceania, Asia and so on, and looks for enlightenment and experience for the perfection of illegal income confiscation procedure in our country. The fourth part simply analyzes the problems and causes of this program. Based on the Criminal procedure Law and related judicial interpretations, the scope of confiscation is unclear, the standard of proof is missing, the appeal period is too short, the interested parties participate in the trial, and the scope of application is too large. This paper analyzes the existing problems in six aspects, such as the simplification of the disposition after the perpetrator is brought to justice, in order to prepare for the further improvement of the confiscation procedure of illegal income in China. The fifth part puts forward the perfect suggestion of this procedure. On the basis of existing problems and around the basic nature of the procedure, from defining the scope of confiscation, establishing reasonable standards of proof, extending the time limit for appeal, establishing the participation mode of interested parties notified of participation, and limiting the scope of application of the procedure of confiscation of illegal income, The author puts forward some suggestions to improve the procedure of confiscation of illegal income in China.


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