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发布时间:2018-11-15 12:26
[Abstract]:With the development of electronic information technology, computers and some new electronic devices have become an essential part of normal work and life. Electronic evidence is a new form of evidence produced by these modern equipment. Its appearance has a certain impact on the traditional evidence system and caused many disputes. In some litigation cases, electronic evidence is the most important and key evidence. At present, electronic evidence as a new kind of evidence in the public has formed a vague consciousness, but in the specific litigation lack of a unified concept, the legislation on electronic evidence can not meet the needs of judicial practice. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research and legislation on electronic evidence. After referring to the research results of domestic and foreign scholars on electronic evidence, This paper tries to expound the relevant problems such as the power of proof of electronic evidence and the authenticity of electronic evidence as reflected in the current legislative and judicial situation of electronic evidence and puts forward its own idea on how to ensure the authenticity of the electronic evidence. The first part mainly expounds the connotation of electronic evidence, and explains the debate on the legal status of electronic evidence in theory, which lays the foundation for the research of related problems of electronic evidence. The second part mainly analyzes the relevant legislation and legislative development of electronic evidence in our country, introduces the relevant legislation of electronic evidence in mainland of China, and then makes a brief analysis of the shortcomings of the relevant legislation of electronic evidence in China on this basis. The third part summarizes and analyzes the status and problems of electronic evidence in our country's current judicial practice. This paper mainly analyzes the collection of electronic evidence, the confirmation of the relevance and authenticity of electronic evidence and the preservation of electronic evidence. The fourth part is based on the above analysis, puts forward the opinion of perfecting the electronic evidence system in the legislation, puts forward the corresponding countermeasure to how to guarantee the authenticity of the electronic evidence, the relevance, and puts forward the perfect idea to the electronic evidence preservation problem.


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