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发布时间:2018-11-15 23:17
[Abstract]:The research of administrative public interest litigation has always been hot in academic circles. Among them, the plaintiff qualification is the focus of many scholars. In recent years, because of the vigorous development of social organizations, their independence and non-profit characteristics, social organizations as the plaintiff of administrative public interest litigation has attracted more and more attention. The purpose of this paper is to prove the feasibility of social organization as plaintiff of administrative public interest litigation from many aspects and from many angles, and to learn from relevant experience. The purpose is to provide some ideas and suggestions for the institution construction of the plaintiff in the administrative public interest litigation. The logical premise of this paper is that our country has established the administrative public interest litigation system. However, as we all know, this system has not yet been established in our country. Based on the focus of this paper and the limitations of the paper, the article will only analyze and study the issue of administrative public interest litigation filed by social organizations, and will no longer discuss some other contents of administrative public interest litigation. In the course of the study, this paper mainly through reading the relevant literature and materials and analysis, collation, integration, domestic and foreign related theory, system design, and so on, at the same time, through the analysis of some typical cases. Finally, the purpose of this paper is achieved. From the research content, this paper is divided into five parts. The first part mainly introduces the basic theory that social organizations act as plaintiffs in administrative public interest litigation. The content mainly revolves around the administrative public interest lawsuit, the plaintiff qualification, the social organization these three key words some basic meanings, the characteristic and some related theories to launch; The second part mainly analyzes the plaintiff in the administrative public interest litigation from the angle of basic theory. Including the theoretical basis, mainly from the social power theory and human rights protection theory to elaborate. Secondly, it analyzes the necessity of the public interest litigation, including the supervision of administrative power, democratic participation and protection of public welfare. Finally, the feasibility of social organizations as the plaintiff of administrative public interest litigation, mainly from its own advantages, nature and other fields and even foreign successful experience to elaborate; The third part is to study the current situation of administrative public interest litigation filed by social organizations in China. It mainly includes the obstacles in legislation, some problems existing in the social organizations themselves, as well as the situation that the government and the society have no distinction. The fourth part mainly analyzes the relevant provisions of some countries with perfect rule of law, including the current situation of the United States, Australia, Britain and Germany. The fifth part, as the focus of the article, mainly studies how to construct the system as the plaintiff of administrative public interest litigation in our country. It includes breaking down the legislative obstacles, perfecting the social organization's own construction, constructing the actionable prosecution system, the restriction system, the incentive system and so on. After analyzing and studying the related problems of the plaintiff in the administrative public interest litigation of the social organization, this paper finally draws the conclusion: under the premise of establishing the administrative public interest litigation system in our country, the plaintiff of the social organization is endowed with the qualification of the plaintiff of the social organization. It is not only of theoretical and practical significance, but also necessary and feasible.


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